#96 NOVEMBER 2024 -ENERO 2025"Biodiversity is an invaluabletreasure; taking care of it meansprotecting life on this planet."
Enjoy Osa.Getting used to paradiseThe Power of Genetics.Report on new bird in Costa Rica.CONTENTPhone DirectoryEditorialGetting divorced in Costa RicaDOMINICALTide ChartsThe mission of Alturas Wildlife SanctuaryRechercheUVITAGuys With Cementin in the Bloond.My dream JobBirdwatching at Marino Ballena National ParkThe Green-black poison frog.The Best Vehicle Options for Eco-tourism Finding My Journalism Passion Through Costa Rica.A boat ride with a lot of PURA VIDA.A warm stay at Hotel El Tecal.Hyperconnectivity : A dangerous link for Mental Health. A legal guide to buying a home in Costa Rica. Biodiversity in Costa Ballena.Coffee in Costa Rica: An expierence for all the senses. Saving the Marine Ecosystems of the South Pacific. The Chef CornerWhere To Eat.OJOCHALmareasTransporteEventos471845
Hello, dear audience, collaborators, and advertisersWe are pleased to support positive actions in this digital edition to safeguard the goodhealth of our ecosystem in the South Pacific of Costa Rica. We celebrate that in ourcommunity; there is an increasing awareness of the need to take care of this littleparadise that is our home.Coral reefs are essential to maintaining marine biodiversity, and their loss would havecatastrophic consequences for ecosystems and humanity.Isabel Márquez and Soraya Damer, the young volunteers who currently collaborate withour media, traveled to the Costa Rica Coral Reef Restoration organization's facilities tointerview its leaders. This organization's work to restore coral reefs in the BallenaMarine Park is truly admirable and worthy of support.On November 2, a brilliant musical concert was held at the El Tecal Hotel as part of theClean Up 2024 event. Several local organizations participated in this event, whichattracted hundreds of participants who collaborated in cleaning the beaches of MarinoBallena Park. Read the article in this digital edition or on our blog.A distinction of our ecosystem is the biodiversity it houses. The recovery of thepopulation of species such as the jaguar in Corcovado Park is news to celebrate.Another news to celebrate is the discovery of a new species of bird on Caño Island.Without a doubt, the South Pacific of Costa Rica is a must-see destination forbirdwatchers. The location of the hotel Cristal Ballena between the tropical humid forestat the foothill of the Fila Costeña mountains and the Pacific coast gives an excellent mixfor birdwatching of forest and marine birdlife.In this edition, we include several articles about the fauna that our destination boastsand, as usual, valuable and exciting information.Read the article about Café Don Emilio and support this local enterprise by visiting theirstand at the Bahía Ballena Market.In the article about eco-friendly transportation options, Total Fleet, an initiative supportedby Adobe Rent a Car, states that choosing the right vehicle is non-negotiable if you wantto explore nature responsibly during your stay in Costa Ballena.Dr. Alfaro from Costa Ballena Doctors writes about the power of genetics and itsimportance in modern medicine.Dr. Christopher Pirie writes about divorce in Costa Rica and community property.Digital connectivity is paramount to modern life, even in our remote paradise. However,Dr. Nicole Solano of the Vargas Medical Center, located in Plaza Alfaro, writes abouthyperconnectivity's risks to your well-being.2024 is quickly ending, and the holiday spirit will soon be felt. Stay informed in our“Costa Ballena Lovers” events group.As usual, we encourage those who visit us or live in our community to minimize theirenvironmental footprint.Pura Vida and Happy New Year 2025!The Editorial TeamEDITORIALEDITORIAL TEAMCarlos Leon.Dr. Cristopher Pirie Gil.Dr. Monica Alfaro.Dr. Nikole Solano Vargas.Isabel Marquez.Jack Ewing.Josue Vargas Montoya.Prof. Kattia Ratana.Soraya Damer.Thomas Falk.POINTING MARKETinfo@pointingmarket.comEditorcarlos@pointingmarket.comDESINGART AND DESINGCONTRIBUITING WRITESCOSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
PHONE DIRECTORYPOLICE STATIONSHospital Tomás Casas (Cortés)...........2786-8148Hopital Escalante Padilla.......................2785-0700 Servicios Médicos Bahía-Ballena...... 2743-8595Farmacia Ibarra....................................2743-8558EBAIS......................................................2539-0000Centro Medico Vargas ........................8750-9118Bahia Ballena Doctors.........................8833-6431information.......................1113International Operator....1116Electric Failures.................1119Police Emergency................911Transito.....................2537-0631Dominical.................2787-0406Uvita..........................2743-8538Ojochal......................2786-5661Cortés.......................2788-8030Erick .....................................8602-3394Guiligan ................................8847-0231Ricardo (minibús 4x4).........8605-0801UVITA Alex (freight).........................8989-2298Carlos (Bilingual)..................8308-2695Daniel....................................8980-9966Geovanny (Minibús)............8870-6040 Greivin ..................................8791-5680 Lusbín ...................................8576-7606Henrry (Bilingual).................8543-9436Rodolfo (freight) ..................5711-6868Victor Umaña Dinarte........................8774-2213Beesto Express (Geiler).........................8544-7493 Andrey Rivera ......................................6039-0243Gas Express ( Esteban)..........................8421-3333Carlos Umaña ....................................... 8704-3036ICE TAXISDOMINICALOTHERSVeterinaria Costa Ballena..................8730-8282MINAE...................................................2786-5392Environmental Complaints.........................1192ASADA Uvita (Uvita Aqueduct failures)................... 8736-7004EXPRESS SERVICEAll links are clickable.Try it out!! COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96.comHOSPITALS & HEALTH
Getting divorced in Costa Rica.Divorce and Marital Assets in Corporations: AFamily Law Challenge.Marriage is a wonderful experience, but it’sessential to be prepared for all outcomes,including divorce in Costa Rica. As a litigationand family law firm in Costa Rica, we can helpyou plan for marriage. We are also availablefor any potential divorce, ensuring your assetsare secure and legal matters are correctlyhandled.Managing Marital Assets: Individual orCorporate Ownership?Many ex-pats purchase property in Costa Ricaand face the decision of whether to own theasset personally or in a corporation in CostaRica. Legal advice typically favors incorporatingthe property into a company, such as astandard corporation (SA or “SociedadAnonima”) or a Limited Liability Company (LLC).It allows for benefits like limited liability andadded protection against personal obligations.The corporation may also be configured,requiring both parties’ signatures to sell ormortgage the property, offering security.However, when marital assets are placed into acorporation, it can complicate matters in theevent of a divorce. Assets held by thecorporation belong to the company, not theindividuals. This distinction can be challengingas to whether these assets count as maritalproperty or not.Divorce and Corporate-Owned AssetsIn a Costa Rican divorce, spouses have a rightto fifty percent of the net value of the maritalassets. However, if a corporation holds themarital home or other vital assets, these assetsare not technically considered marital property.Instead, what belongs to each spouse are theshares of the corporation, not the propertyitself. This situation can create challenges whendividing the actual value of assets during adivorce.Avoiding Litigation: Proactive SolutionsTo avoid potential disputes, you can addressthese issues in the company's articles ofincorporation. You can prevent many obstaclesin future legal battles by explicitly stating thatthe corporation's assets are marital property.You can even avoid litigation in Costa Ricaaltogether. A shareholder agreement is aneffective tool to ensure transparency andfairness in managing marital assets, that areheld incorporate structures.What Happens If Divorce Litigation IsUnavoidable?Litigation may be required if a divorce isinevitable and a corporation holds the assets. Itis crucial to work with an experienced familylaw attorney who understands how to navigatethe complexities of corporate structures indivorce proceedings. CPG LEGAL offers expert solutions, such asdisregarding the corporate veil, to ensure yourrights. CPG LEGAL.Dr. Christopher Pirie Gil.Law Firm in Costa Rica.También se habla español.Nous parlons parfaitement le françaiswww.pirielegal.com+506 8837-2631 cpirie@pirielegal.comAuthor: Dr. Christopher PirieCOSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
Nestled along the rugged Pacificcoastline of Costa Rica, the laid-backtown of Dominical is an irresistibledestination for travelers seeking aperfect blend of surf, sun, and serenity.Tucked away between the lushrainforests of Marino Ballena NationalPark and the rolling waves of the PacificOcean, Dominical is a coastal haventhat captures the essence of Pura Vidaliving. Getting There: Reaching Dominical is anadventure in itself. The town isapproximately three hours from CostaRica's capital, San Jose. Travelers canopt for a scenic route along the PacificCoast Highway, providing breathtakingviews of dense jungles and glimpses ofwildlife. Alternatively, local airlinesoffer domestic flights to the nearbyQuepos La Managua Airport, followedby a picturesque drive southward. Buses and shuttles from major cities likeSan Jose and Quepos are available forthe more adventurous souls. Theseoptions provide a cost-effective meansof transportation and an opportunity tosoak in the stunning landscapes.DOMINICALLanguage and Hospitality: Dominical isknown for its warm hospitality, which isone of its main attractions. AlthoughSpanish is the official language, manylocals are proficient in English, whichmakes it easy for international visitors tocommunicate with the community.However, it is always appreciated whenvisitors try to speak a few basic phrases inSpanish to connect with the locals. The hospitality in Dominical is genuine andreflects the Pura Vida Lifestyle, whichemphasizes a laid-back and easygoingattitude. Whether you needrecommendations for the best surf spots,information about local cuisine, or just wantto start a conversation, the people ofDominical are friendly and eager to sharetheir love for their town. Safety in Paradise:Safety is of utmost importance to tourists,and Dominical takes pride in being awelcoming and secure destination. Thetown's small size contributes to a close-knitcommunity, fostering a sense of vigilanceand support. The local authorities arecommitted to ensuring the safety of bothresidents and visitors.COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
The beaches, renowned for their pristinebeauty, are generally safe for swimmingand sunbathing. However, it is vital to bemindful of the strong currents, especiallyduring certain times of the year. Lifeguardsare stationed at popular surf spots,providing an additional layer of security.As with any travel destination, it isadvisable to should take basic precautions.Travelers monitor their belongings, becautious, and follow local guidelines.Dominical's friendly atmosphere extends toits commitment to providing a secureenvironment for all who come to experienceits charms.Exploring Nature and Culture: Dominicaloffers a wide range of activities that caterto diverse interests. The Marino BallenaNational Park is just a short drive away andis a haven for nature enthusiasts. Hikingtrails lead to breathtaking viewpoints,providing a chance to marvel at thevastness of the Pacific and witness thediverse flora and fauna inhabiting therainforest.For an enchanting natural experience,visitors can venture into the heart of theregion to discover the awe-inspiringNauyaca Waterfalls. Surrounded bylush tropical vegetation, these cascadingfalls create a serene oasis where visitorscan swim in crystal-clear pools beneaththe refreshing embrace of the water. Thejourney to Nauyaca Waterfalls involveshorseback riding through unique verdantlandscapes, providing a perspective onthe beauty of the region. Local markets and cultural events inDominical provide opportunities toengage with the vibrant community. Thetown's artisans showcase theircraftsmanship, and the friendly localsare always eager to share stories andinsights about their way of life.COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
098192021243216193 km199 km39.2 km8.5 km2.3 km7.1 km401.6 km
The mission of Alturas Wildlife Sanctuary(AWS) is to rescue, rehabilitate and releasewildlife! Our goal is to offer a second chanceto animals injured by humans or confiscatedfrom the pet trade. AWS also provides refugeto those animals that unfortunately cannot bereturned to the wild and focuses on educatingthe public and future generations.Alturas is a non-governmental organization thathas operated since 2014 and has rescued over2,000 wild animals. Although our emergencyclinic and rehabilitation center are notaccessible to the public, we offer guided toursin our sanctuary from Tuesday to Sunday, at 9a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m.Sign yourselves up for our next time and get achance to meet some of our resident animals,like Mocha the sloth with a paralyzed limb,Julietta the talking parrot, or Leo the Ocelot thatwas found abandoned as a cub! During ourtours, you will hear firsthand from our guidesabout the patients we are treating and ourrescue efforts while learning about Costa Rica’sbiodiversity and what we can do as acommunity to protect our environment. The mission of Alturas Wildlife SanctuaryCOSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
You will get a chance to meet the residentanimals that are non-releasable and learn theirrescue stories. The donations from the sanctuarytickets go directly towards the upkeep of this non-profit organization and contribute to the center’srunning costs, such as food for the animals,medications, clinical procedures andmaintenance and rescues.At Alturas Wildlife Sanctuary, we proudly supportthe #StopAnimalSelfies movement and do notpermit the handling or petting of wild animals.These tours are educational, not just for adults,but also an excellent opportunity to teach kidsabout the importance of protecting wildlife andwhat it takes to operate one of the busiest rescuecenters in the country! We offer tours in Englishand Spanish and provide discounts for nationals.Situated 7km south of Dominical and 12 km northof Uvita, Alturas Wildlife Sanctuary looks forwardto welcoming you allCOSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
RECHERCHÉFINE HOME FURNISHINGSTHANK YOU! We’ve had a blast, but now it’s time to RETIRE!EVERYTHING MUST GO!We have loved every minute, helping Ticos and expats,Turning their homes into lovely places with class.Unique and gorgeous décor, furniture, and plantsBut that time is about over, it is soon to be in the past. Everything must go, from sofas and chairs,To gorgeous art nouveau and kitchen wares.Purchase one or lots, or things in pairs,With these discounts you don’t have to be a millionaire. Why, you may ask, are we closing up shop?Well I’m turning 70 and it’s time to stop.Retiring while we made it to the top,Seemed best, since we’ve been going nonstop. We made friends and met a lot of VIPs,So come on in, if you please,Our friendly staff will put you at ease.You’ll have fun, save money, and it’ll be a breeze. Want incredible additional discounts? Just ask what it requires.On any of our exquisite items your heart desires.Come early, as we have over 1,000 “regular” buyersAnd we will not be re-ordering from any of our suppliers.
jerry@puravidaimports.comblake@puravidaimports.com +506 2102 9069Recherché FineHome Furnishings HOURS: Mon- Fri 9:30 AM to 5 PM / Sat 10 AM to 3:30 PM Closed SunLOCATION: 250 meters west of The Coronado Bridge, on The Costanera Sur,Puntanenas, Coronado de Osa; 4km south of Ojochal de OsaWe have over 1 million dollars in inventory!EVERYTHING will be on sale,From 20% to 90% off the MSRP(Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price.)Scores of customers from the Guanacaste to the Central Valley to the Osa havestated this is their favorite store in all ofCosta Rica.ALL of the furniture and décor in our store isEXCLUSIVE to us. You can NOT purchase theseitems anywhere else in Costa Rica.The first 6 weeks of the sale we will be open to thepublic. After that, we will allow any and all CostaRican retailers to also purchase the remaininginventory at wholesale prices.The ultra-modern 2 year old building isalso for sale. We believe it will be sold to asavvy investor, most likely for arestaurant with a deli-take-out, becomingthe only air conditioned ultra-modernrestaurant in the Southern Zone.
Uvita Unveiled: Costa Rica's CoastalSanctuary Uvita is a captivating coastaltown along the untouched shores of CostaRica's Pacific coast. It invites travelers toexperience the perfect fusion of nature,adventure, and tranquility. With its lushrainforests and stunning beaches, Uvita is ahidden gem that immerses oneself fully inCosta Rica's lifestyle. History and Cultural Heritage: Uvita has a rich history that dates back tothe pre-Columbian era when indigenouscommunities inhabited the region. Thetown's name, "Uvita," is derived from theSpanish word for "little grape," reflectingthe abundance of grape-like formations inthe local palm trees. In recent decades, Uvita has transformedfrom a quaint coastal settlement into athriving destination. The town's developmenthas been mindful of preserving its naturalsurroundings, resulting in a harmoniouscoexistence between human habitation andthe pristine environment. Getting There: Uvita is situated on thesouthwestern edge of Costa Rica, whichmakes it easily accessible from differentpoints in the country. If you're coming fromthe capital, San Jose, you can enjoy ascenic four-hour drive with picturesquelandscapes on the way to Uvita.Alternatively, you can take a flight to PalmarSur Airport with local airlines and then takea short and scenic drive to Uvita. For those who want a more immersivejourney, buses and shuttles are a cost-effective means of transportation TheseOptions offer an opportunity to witness thediverse beauty of Costa Rica and set thetone for the natural wonders that await youin Uvita. Language and Hospitality: Uvita is a welcoming town that embraces thePura Vida spirit and greets visitors with openarms. Although Spanish is the officiallanguage, English is widely spoken, makingit easy for international travelers tocommunicate and navigate the town. Thewarm hospitality of Uvita's residents is well-known and creates an inviting atmospherefor travelers. It is encouraged to engage withthe local community, and knowing a fewbasic Spanish phrases can enhance theexperience. The genuine friendliness of the people inUvita adds an extra layer to the overallatmosphere, leaving visitors with lastingmemories of a place where hospitality meetsthe splendor of nature. Safety in Paradise:Safety is of utmost priority in Uvita and thetown is committed to providing a secureenvironment for both residents and visitors.The close-knit community of the city fostersvigilance and support, contributing to anoverall sense of well-being.UVITACOSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
The beaches in Uvita, including the famousWhale's Tail sandbar, are generally safefor various water activities. Lifeguards arestationed at popular spots to ensure anadded layer of security. It is advisable totake basic precautions, as with any traveldestination, but travelers can confidentlyexplore the town knowing that the localcommunity prioritizes safety. MarinoBallena National Park: The Marino BallenaNational Park is the centerpiece of Uvita'scharm. It is a marine and terrestrialsanctuary that spans over 13,000 acres ofprotected land and ocean. The park isnamed after the humpback whales thatmigrate through its waters, providingvisitors with a unique opportunity to witnessthese majestic creatures. One of the park'shighlights is the famous Whale's Tailsandbar, a natural formation resembling awhale's tail. During low tide, visitors canwalk along the sandbar and encounter thediverse marine life that inhabits the park'swaters. In addition to this, the park'sterrestrial areas feature hiking trails thatlead to panoramic viewpoints. This allowstravelers to appreciate the lush biodiversityof Uvita's rainforest. The commitment toconservation within Marino BallenaNational Park underscores Uvita'sdedication to preserving its naturaltreasures for generations to come.Exploring Nature and Culture: Uvita is acoastal paradise that offers a perfect blendof adventure, nature, and culture. TheMarino Ballena National Park, situatedhere, is a haven for snorkeling and divingenthusiasts. You can also take Whale andDolphin watching tours or visit CañoIsland. To explore the rainforest, head tothe heart of Uvita, where you can discoverhidden waterfalls and enjoy canopy tours.The Uvita Waterfall is a beautiful,enchanting natural wonder that offers arefreshing escape. You can swim in therejuvenating pools surrounded by lushgreenery. Uvita is also home to vibrantlocal markets that showcase handmadecrafts and traditional Costa Ricandelicacies. Engaging with locals will allowyou to delve deeper into the rich culturaltapestry of the area, where stories areshared and connections are forged,adding depth to your overall experience.In summary, Uvita is a coastal sanctuarythat promises a memorable journey whereyou can enjoy the beauty of Costa Ricaevery sunset, and the waves echo therhythm of Pura Vida living.COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
Directorio Comercial de UvitaUvita Business DirectoryBusiness DirectorySimbologíaSymbologyInformación/InfoEscuela / SchoolFutbol/Soccer FieldIglesia / ChurchPolicia / PoliceParque/Park EntranceSupermercado /Grocery StoreGasolinera/ Gas StationCajero A/ Cash MachineFeria/Local MarketCarreteras / RoadsQue hacerWhat to doAvistamiento de AvesBirdingLiberia 310 - KmSan José 224-KmJacó 127 - KmManuel Antonio -65KmQuepos 62KmDominical - 18 kmCascadasWaterfallsCaminatasHikesSurfSurf con RemoSUP (Stand Up Paddle)Paseos en KayakKayakingBuceoDiveBuceo con SnorkelSnorkelingTour en CuadraciclosATV ToursCabalgatasHorseback RidingMiradorAutopista / HighwayLookoutAsfaltado/Paved roadAcamparPiedra/Gravel roadCampingPiedra y tierra / DirtPiedra y tierra 4x4 /Dirt road only 4x4graphic map design bycamaleonestudio.comCubierto en marea altaCovered in high tideWhale Tail access only in low tide. Check tides at ballenatales.comAcceso a la Cola de la Ballena solamente en marea baja.Mareas en ballenatales.comPunta Uvita"Cola de la Ballena""Whale Tail"Océano Pacífico1KmUVITAACCOMMODATIONS08. Cuna el Angel .................................. 2787434301. Hotel y Cabinas El Tecal................. 2743 801202. Vista Ballena ................................... 2743 815003. Cristal Ballena................................. 2786 535409. La Junta Dominical ..........................2787 004608. La Palapa ...................................... 2787 434302. Mi Amore Restorante .....................6061 788301. La Colonia (Hotel El Tecal)..............8711 434111. Ballena Bistro.................................. 2786 540703. Pura Vida (Hotel Cristal Ballena)... 2766 536704. Villas Leonor at Playa Ballena....... 2786 538007. Le French Cafe................................ 2201 825306. Whale Tail Brewery & Gastro Pub..8934 709212. Mestizo Restaurant......................... 2234 674913. House of Ginger .............................. 2743 818214. Pancito Cafe .................................... 8729 411537. The Bakery ...................................... 8566 292937. The Privaty Chef ............................. 8468 778838. The Dome ........................................ 2237 5764RESTAURANTSSERVICES18. Osa Property Management........... 7100 100634. Iglesia La Costa................................ 8322 381527. Ropa Americana Buena Voluntad..2201 5962 28. TRACOPA.......................................... 2743 5555 22. Farmacia Ibarra.............................. 2743 8460 29. Costa Tika Language School.......... 2743 8222 10. Ballena Tales.................................... 8946 713410. Pointing Market............................... 8946 7134 31. Artesano Architect.......................... 2215 2077 36. El Mercado .......................................8411 880726. Magic Hands Spa............................. 6312 0615 15. Journey School ................................ 8728 217816. Pirie Legal Group ........................... 8837 2631 17. Mauro Esquivel contador............... 8730 995619. Spicy Life ......................................... 8444 480620. Laurel´s Originals .......................... 8386 040721. Alturas Wildlife Sanctuary ............. 8609 536323. Recherché ....................................... 2102 906924. Chila ................................................. 8329 075503. Hotel Cristal Ballena ...................... 8390 686325. Consulting and Contruction FALK..8782 3212 30. Repuestos Uvita ............................. 2743 845532. Goat Milk Products ........................ 8309 6278 33. Bahia Ballena Doctors..................... 8833 643139. Palmex Costa Rica ........................... 2786 512640. Pacific Coast Law Frim .................... 2787 0446
1176121334182728222910313626173037383.1km6.7 km7.6 km39
The willingness of these workers to listen andalways learn something new motivates me anewevery day. The daily exchange with them hasalso shown me again that it is possible withoutthe most modern technology, as is the norm inmy original home country, Switzerland. Whatthese workers achieve, sometimes withrudimentary tools, is amazing and many aconstruction worker I have met in my life so farcould be inspired by this. Not lot has been builtin Ojochal and the to mention the patiencethese workers have with us expats when itcomes to the Spanish language. For me as anentrepreneur, these workers, in addition to theiractual work, are also my Spanish teachers -and I am very grateful to them for that.We should also not forget that these guys oftenlive on site for the entire construction periodand only occasionally return to family andfriends for an extended weekend. On theconstruction site, they live in the simplestwooden or metal sheds, in close contact withthe sometimes still very wild nature of CostaRica. It is not uncommon for snakes, spiders,scorpions and similar creatures to seek out theiraccommodation. But these guys also deal withthis, with what seems like ease - just as they dowith the temperatures that prevail in these shacks. Their privacy is limited to approx.1.5m2, namely one of the makeshift bunk bedsin which they sleep.The sanitary facilities are limited to animprovised toilet and a shower, which the entireconstruction team has to share. The constructionteam also has to provide their own meals. Onemember cooks for the entire construction teamin an improvised kitchen. Restaurant visits orcatering are not financially feasible for theseconstruction workers. A construction team notonly builds together, but also lives togetherduring a project - in the smallest of spaces andunder the simplest of conditions.Author: Thomas FalkA surrounding area in recent years. Fromsimple houses to luxurious villas with fantasticsea views. Many people are realizing theirown personal dream home here in the SouthPacific region of Costa Rica. On socialmedia and in the newspapers, proudhomeowners, architects, influencers, etc. smileat us from a completed dream property.However, the real heroes of such buildings areoften forgotten amidst all the joy and pride inthe finished property. They are the localconstruction workers who put in thousands ofhours of dedication and passion for theirwork to create such architectural works of art.They are theGUYS WITH CEMENT IN THE BLOOD.They are the ones who face the dailychallenges of a modern construction project. Ithink we should treat them all with the utmostrespect and be more aware of their dailyachievements. I am lucky enough to workwith them on a daily basis as a entrepreneurin the construction sector. It is always impressive to see how willingthese workers are to adapt to the ever-changing nature of modern construction, tomeet challenges with a smile and a positiveattitude, and to respond to the wishes andconcerns of their clients. I have neverexperienced anything like this in over 30years in construction.GUYS WITHCEMENT IN THEBLOOD.COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
Such a team of construction workers hasprobably built, or is building your own homeright now. You should value it.Thomas FalkOwner Falk Construction ConsultingEvery single construction worker is of crucialimportance in a building project - from the"peón" (simple unskilled worker) to the "maestrode obra" (foreman). Everyone has to fulfill theirtask perfectly at their place. Only a harmoniousteam that interacts, supports and respects eachother is able to meet the demanding requirementsof today's clients.In a world where so much is printed, pressedor molded in one step, we easily forget thatbuilding a property is not only a technical butalso an organizational masterpiece. Aconstruction project resembles a clockworkmechanism full of large and small gears thathave to mesh perfectly in order to functionsmoothly and ultimately tell the right time. Acompleted property is a joint effort of manydifferent crafts. Every single one of these craftsis a component of this clockwork.The case of a clockwork, for example, shinesand is often admired by the observer. However,a small spring hidden inside the case hardlyreceives this attention, which in no waydiminishes its importance for the smoothfunctioning of the watch. Because when it is notdoing its job, the movement stands still. And it isexactly the same with the workers on aconstruction project.COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
Birdwatching at Marino Ballena National Parkand the surrounding areas is an excellent activityfor everyone!The ancient Egyptians depicted feathered animalsin their hieroglyphics. In 1815, a young Austriannamed Voigtlander revolutionized the field ofornithology by designing the first binoculars,allowing us to better appreciate these beautifulcreatures with their fascinating songs, colors, andbehaviors.The grounds of Hotel Cristal Ballena and theCosta Ballena area are highly productive forbirdwatching, with over 400 species of birdsreported in the region, including some specialregional endemics. The hotel's location, nestledbetween the humid tropical forests at the foothillsof the Fila Costeña mountains and the Pacificcoastline, creates an excellent environment forobserving both forest and marine birdlife.Spanning 30 acres, Hotel Cristal Ballena isdesigned as a nature park, featuring abundanttrees, a rainforest, and a nearby coastalecosystem, all of which support a diverse array ofbird species.Birdwatching and ornithology at Marino BallenaNational Park are truly remarkable experiences.During a three-hour walk, you can watch andlisten to over 50 different bird species. Anyone who has spent even a single day in CostaBallena knows about the incredible variety of birdsthat inhabit the area. From large to small, colorful todrab, and predators to prey, the diversity isastounding. In fact, the cumulative total from allChristmas bird counts in the region amounts to 488species, which is about half the number of birdspecies found in the United States and Canadacombined.By Christmas, all migratory species from NorthAmerica have arrived in Costa Ballena. Manybirders visit the area annually, especially fromDecember to March, when the bird population is atits peak, along with an influx of birdwatchers.Near the beautiful beaches, you can find a varietyof birds, such as scarlet macaws, blue herons,frigate birds, and kingfishers in different colors andsizes. You may also spot cormorants, red-facedparrots, laughing falcons, yellow-headed parrots,and hummingbirds.The temperature drops as you ride horseback up theCoastal Range and enter the lush forests. Here, youcan admire the stunning Latin-tailed trogon, the light-billed woodpecker, and Cusingas, endemic tosouthern Costa Rica and western Panama. You mayalso encounter chestnut-billed toucans and kingvultures. Nearby, the calls of howler monkeys createa lively backdrop, along with the sound of watercascading from a waterfall into natural pools. Asyou continue along the path, you might see agraceful white-nosed coati crossing your way, andsuddenly, the view opens up to reveal thebreathtaking “Whale Tail.”Don’t forget to bring your binoculars and camera!Birdwatching at MarinoBallena National ParkAuthor: Carlos León (adapted from website content).
COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96Costa Rica is known for being a country withabundant flora and fauna, as well as habitatfor endless varieties of reptiles andamphibians. It is the country preferred by manyherpetology lovers.The green-black poison frog is the best knownin the tropical forest environment. Thetemperature of this frog exceeds 20 degrees,even at night. The ambient humidity has to behigh; daily rains are vital for the favorablehabitat of the poison frog.The little jumpers are diurnal; they obtain theirpotent poison from the intake of ants andbeetles. therefore, when these frogs becomevictims of smugglers, they lose their main foodsupply and with it their potent poison.The green-black poison frog, like many otherspecies of the Dendrobatidae family,, are indanger of extinction due to smuggling andclimate change. Amphibians are particularlysubject to temperature changes.The loss of their habitat and a powerful fungus,called “Batrachochytrium “dendrobatidis”damage the keratin layer that covers the skin ofamphibians, whose health is essential for theirhomeostasis and their immune defense.This poisonous frog has a variable colorationin the area of Nicaragua to northwestColombia. In Costa Rica, they have two typesof coloration: bluish-green with black spots andthen a color where black with green spotsdominates.The green-black poison frog is the largestpoison frog in Costa Rica. The females fight forthe male and lay the eggs in a small “pond” inthe forest litter. Males are the ones who takecare of the eggs until they become tadpoles.They carry them on their backs and depositthem in a small pond in a bromeliad wherethey will be safe. Membranes do not join thefingers of the frogs, so they can move withgreater agility and climb trees.The green-black poison frog.Author: Josué Alberto Vargas Montoya
This year, I had the chance to cover BeachClean Up 2024 at Marino Ballena NationalPark, and while my role was to interviewvolunteers, I ended up being deeply moved bywhat I witnessed. During lunch at La ColoniaRestaurant in El Tecal Hotel, as I talked withparticipants, I heard stories filled with humility,connection to nature, and a genuine desire toleave a positive legacy for future generations.The Satisfaction of Making a DifferenceMany volunteers, like Marisel González, weremotivated by the Tourism Chamber's call toaction, but no one seemed to anticipate justhow meaningful the day would become.Marisel shared how, as she and her groupworked through Playa del Arco, they discovereda hidden cave teeming with life: monkeys,colorful toucans, and other animals that seemedto watch them as they cleaned. Though the taskwas exhausting, Marisel told me with a calmsmile that she felt her spirit was renewed. "It'stiring but so rewarding," she said, with a mix ofgratitude and joy precise in her words.The Strength of CommunityWhat struck me most was the team spirit thatfilled the air. Although many volunteers hadnever met before, they worked together as ifthey were lifelong friends. Anthony Angulo andGisselle Borbón shared that this experiencemade them feel they were doing something thattruly mattered. "It's like stepping out of yourroutine and realizing you have a role insomething much bigger," said Anthony. Inodded, understanding that Beach Clean Upwas more than a cleanup day.A Lasting CommitmentAs I wrapped up the interviews, I realized onething almost all participants had in common:they wanted to come back. For many, thisexperience changed how they viewed theirrelationship with nature, community, andthemselves. The message was evident amongthe laughter and weariness: we will return.This day reminded me that the efforts of a fewcan make a huge difference, and as long aspeople are willing to give their time andenergy, there is hope for our planet.Author: Isabel Márquez
If you're looking for reliable wheels to use duringyour tour of the spellbinding landscapes of CostaBallena, then keep reading. In this post, we'vecovered everything from excellent fuel economy totheir nifty size, making any of these rides a good fitfor urban travel. So, get ready to cruise the citystreets with minimal fuss and maximum fun. But before we explore the vehicle options, let's dosome quick housekeeping. Why should you visitCosta Ballena first?Why Ecotourism in Costa Ballena?Costa Ballena is paradise! This lovely region alongCosta Rica's outermost Pacific coast is globallyrecognized for its A-list ecotourism and scenicbeauty. Its landscape has pristine beaches, lushjungles, and vibrant wildlife. I think Costa Ballenashould set the pace on your travel bucket list.Choosing the right vehicle is non-negotiable if youwant to stay within the confines of ecotourism andexplore nature responsibly during your time in CostaBallena. It helps minimize your ecological footprintwhile creating maximum fun!Types of Eco-Friendly Vehicles for Your AdventureHere's a list of some splendid modes of transportthat you can consider while planning yourecotourism adventures in Costa Ballena. Each has itsperks, which will depend on your group size,preferred activities, budget, and length of stay.Regarding the length of stay, consider renting along-term rental vehicle from this list if you're stayingbeyond 12 months.1. Hybrid or Electric Rental CarsNothing beats your hybrid or electric rental car interms of versatility and general convenience. Manyrental companies in Costa Rica now offer you eco-friendly vehicles to lessen your carbon footprintwhile giving you the pleasure of cruising at yourown pace.Benefits:Fuel Efficiency: Hybrid cars use less gasolinethan traditional vehicles, and electric cars run onclean energy.Convenience: You can move from beach tobeach, and visit national parks, and you won'thave to worry about getting lost using a hybridor electric car!Things to Consider:We recommend exploring the maps to confirm ifelectric vehicle charging stations are available alongyour desired routes so that you can plan your tripaccordingly. Many rental companies in Costa Ricaprovide a map of available chargers, so ensure youmaximize it.2. ATVsConsider renting all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) toexplore rugged terrains. They are great fornavigating the dense rainforests, muddy trails, andeven beach paths of Costa Ballena, some of whichmay not be smooth for standard daily cars.Benefits:Freedom of exploration: With an ATV, you canexplore nature, finding hidden waterfalls, off-the-beaten-path viewpoints, and secluded beaches.Heightened Adventure: Experience the thrill ofoff-roading through tropical terrains whilecoming up close and personal with the diversewildlife.Things to Consider:Always wear helmets to protect yourself and abideby the guidelines laid down by the local authorities.We also recommend booking ATVs in advance,especially during peak tourist seasons. For aseamless booking process and rental benefits, visitTotal Fleet.The Best Vehicle Options for Eco-tourism COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
5. Kayaks and PaddleboardsFor a unique point of view during your adventure,get out and reconnect with Mother Nature on thewater. You can do this by kayaking or via stand-uppaddleboarding (SUP). They are both eco-friendlyways to explore rivers, lagoons, and coastal areasand are highly recommended in Costa Ballena.Benefits:Quiet Exploring: Gentle gliding on the waterallows one to see the wildlife in their habitatwithout disturbing them.Exercise: An active way to see the splendidscenery along the coast.Interaction with Marine Life: When kayaking,you can get close to dolphins, sea turtles, andmany types of fish.Things to Consider:If you are new to kayaking or paddleboarding,always ask for guided tours. For your safety, youmust wear a life jacket and probably go withsomeone or a group, increasing your experience.Popular Eco-Friendly Destinations to ExploreAfter you choose a vehicle, you need to find outyour destination. 1. Marino Ballena National ParkWith its lush tropical fauna and pristine coastlines,what better park is there for hiking and whalewatching, especially during its prime viewing,usually from July to October and December toMarch?2. Uvita BeachUvita Beach, aptly named Whale Tail Beach for itsshape, has bright underwater inhabitants thatprovide the perfect backdrop for swimming,snorkeling, and catching rays. If you feel moreenergetic, jump on your bike or kayak and explorethe calm, crystal-clear waters!3. DominicalDominical is a chilled-out surfer town, perfect forcatching waves or lounging on the beach. Localcafes and shops also contribute to a nice communityvibe.4. Nauyaca WaterfallsNauyaca Waterfalls is quite a treat should you everdesire to trek in the mountains. The path windsthrough abundant rainforest and arrives at thestunning waterfalls, where swimming and relaxationare in order.5. Osa PeninsulaIf you are searching for more adventure, go downto the Osa Peninsula and Corcovado National Park.It is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet.Although it's a drive, the scenery and stunningwildlife experiences are unforgettable.3. BicyclesDid you know that exploring Costa Ballena viabicycle is one of the most eco-friendly ways to doso? A few towns in the area, such as Uvita andDominical, offer bike rentals, thus making cyclingan option favored by tourists and locals.Benefits:It is environmentally friendly: Pedaling throughnature with no emissions makes itenvironmentally safe.Combines pleasure with exercise: Cycling addsan element of physical benefits even as you goaround the scenic areas.Meet locals: You will also have the chance totalk to locals and see the community's gems,ranging from quaint cafes to artisanal shops.Hiring a bike after a good maintenance check willgo a long way in ensuring that it continuesfunctioning without an unfortunate stoppage causedby mechanical failure. We also recommend cyclingin the early hours or late afternoon to avoid theday.4. Guided Eco-Tour BusesIf you enjoy traveling in groups, consider joining aguided eco-tour bus. Several local tour operatorsprovide environmentally friendly buses for theirexcursions. It is also a good fit for you to live amore structured travel experience.Advantages:Knowledgeable Guides: There are local guideswith enough insight about an area to bringtourism alive by telling stories and improvingthe experience.Social Experience: You get to meet with othertravelers interested in ecotourism andsustainability in a community.Convenience and Comfort: Here, you can relaxand enjoy the views without the pressure ofdriving.COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96Starting my internship at Ballena Talesmagazine here in Uvita meant two things tome. First of all, I was preparing to go touniversity in Germany, and second of all, Iexpected the answer to the question: Do I wantto become a journalist? And spoiler alert: theanswer is yes. I always liked making peoplesmirk by creating articles that were appealingto them and enjoyable to read. Articles that areaccessible to everybody and that containexciting facts. Such as in those articles I foundin Ballena Tales Magazine. One article aboutthe city of Dominical caught my eye. Readingthis particular article made me love the citywithout ever being there. Visiting Dominical ison my bucket list for my stay in Costa Rica.Creating a structure and spreading the contentinto sections gives the reader the perfect ideaof Dominical`s beautiful beaches, the “diverseflora and fauna,” and everything you need toconsider before going there.It also conveys the importance of being open tonew cultures and circumstances because “it isalways appreciated when visitors try to speaka few basic phrases in Spanish to connect withthe locals.” I feel addressed because I am stilllearning the language, so communication withlocals will feel more natural.When I was thinking about working on mythird language, I came across the article“Benefits of Learning Another Language,”which Ballena Tales is also reporting on.It tells us about the neurological background ofbecoming multilingual and its benefits for oursocial lives and cognitive abilities.From a journalistic point of view, I think it isimportant to give people the opportunity to readabout how to expand their cultural horizons andeducate themselves further.As I continued scrolling through Ballena TalesMagazine, I found another engaging article. Assimple as it is, reading about Rice and Beans,their origin, and preparation made me stopscrolling. "The Chef Corner" tells about thepopularity of the traditional dish of Carribeancuisine.Having a "national dish" that symbolizes thecountry is so valuable. Learning about traditionalcuisine is especially important for foreigners whocome for vacation or who stay long term to get acloser connection to the country's culture andtraditions. And who does not like well-seasonedrice with beans at the end of a long day chilling?However, writing about cultural values and thecity of Dominical made me realize that I amexcited to discover more about the beautifulCosta Ballena.I hope to write about what to see and learn herenext based on my experiences, not only on thosearticles, at the end of my internship inNovember. But until then, Ballena TalesMagazine will give me the right tips to make mystay in Uvita unforgettable.Finding My Journalism Passion Through Costa RicaAuthor: Soraya Damer
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A boat ride with a lot of PURA VIDACOSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96If someone had told me what I would see, Iwouldn't have believed them. But after threehours on a boat, I was absolutely satisfiedwith all the things I was able to witness. Ofcourse, I am talking about a whale tour. Around 7:45 AM, a group of tourists gatheredat Marino Ballena National Park in Uvita. After the tour guide instructed us on whatwould happen next, everybody was incrediblyexcited to finally hop on the motorboat tohopefully see the whales. When we walkeddown to the shore, I quickly took a tablet tocombat seasickness, and then nothing couldstop me anymore. I highly recommend it toanyone who tends to get seasick. As soon as we were all seated, we threw onour life jackets, and off we went. Withouthaving seen a whale, I was already fascinatedby Uvita's mountainous coast and the beautifulbeach.The guide informed us that we would head to"Whale Island" to spot as many whales aspossible. And I can say that the name doesnot come from nowhere. "Whale Island" is a small island in Uvitas'scoastal waters. It is home to many animalspecies, including pelicans and iguanas.Today's main characters, the whales, also feelcomfortable around the little oasis. But ourway there was already adventurous. The tour guide noticed the first whale afterabout twenty minutes on the water. For a fewminutes, many cell phones and cameras wereready for use, and we all looked excitedly atthe spot where the whale was supposed to be.We saw the back of a mother whale come tothe surface very close to our boat. It was greatto see, but we all hoped to see more. We triedto follow the mother whale and its baby for abit. The tour guide explained that it wasprobably the mother's first baby, her first timein Uvita.Consequently, she is not used to the sound ofmotorboats, so she and her baby swam awayto avoid a potentially dangerous situation. Wecontinued the boat ride to find other whales.The closer we got to Whale Island, the betterour chances were to see a bit more of thegiant humpback whales.Author: Soraya Damer
COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96Before we reached our destination, we made asecond stop on the water. This time, we hadhigher hopes to see a whale family that wasless afraid. The tension became more significantwhen the driver turned off the engine, so weonly swayed slightly on the sea. We knew wewere about to see whales because they mustcome to the surface every few minutes to getair. While we all waited in silence for the whale toshow itself, the tour guide noticed anotherwhale mum with her baby a few meters away.We immediately took the opportunity andheaded over to the whale family, which alsogot us closer to Whale Island. We went veryfast, and other boats also noticed this particularfamily and gathered to watch it. And then, afteran hour on the ship, the magic began. We hadfinally found a whale family that was happy tosee tourists to impress them. A baby whale joyfully jumped into the air, andwe could see his whole body. The headreached the surface first, and then we saw thetale. It was so fascinating and fantastic to see.The whale stunned us all so much that he did itrepeatedly. It gave us its best for twenty minutesand showed us how enchanting its species is.And as soon as the baby whale got underwateragain, the mother whale touched the surface,and we could see the back of her body again. Everybody was stunned by that experience.We all could not believe it. After this particular moment, everyone washappy, and we continued our boat ridedirectly towards Whale Island.The small island is full of little birds and otherimpressive animals. When we stopped rightnext to it, we all had the chance to jump intothe water and finish this whale tour with arefreshment in Uvitas coastal waters. My friendand I just watched other people on boardbecause she got seasick. The good thing is,now we have a whole repertoire full of songsthat help against seasickness because of thepro tip: If you feel unwell on a boat, startsinging songs to activate your jaw.After 20 minutes of swaying and swimmingnext to Whale Island, we headed back to theshore. One last time, we could enjoy the windtouching our faces on the fast boat. On ourride back, probably everybody felt gratefuland stunned—at least I did. And the one thing I had in my mind: that wasthe Pura Vida everybody was talking about.
COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96In the heart of Uvita, surrounded by nature andparadisiacal beaches, lies Hotel El Tecal, whichhas won over many visitors for its tranquility,comfort, and proximity to wildlife. Among itsfrequent guests is Chililliyo, a well-known CostaRican comedian who has made this hotel hisrefuge to work, relax, and enjoy time with hisfamily. In an exclusive interview, he shares withus why he continues to choose this place andhow he has made it his second home.A Paradise to Escape the Cold"I live in a cold area, and that's why I lovecoming here," he confesses. The contrastbetween the climate of his hometown and thewarm atmosphere of Uvita has been one of themain reasons he keeps coming back. But beyondthe environment, what attracts him the most, andhis family as well, is whale watching. He tells usthat this is one of the places where you canobserve this particular species, and theexperience of seeing them is always magical.One significant advantage he values is thepossibility of buying ingredients and cooking inthe rooms, which makes the hotel a versatileoption for families.Hotel El Tecal is strategically located just 300meters from Playa Colonia, within the MarinoBallena National Park, which is famous for itslandscapes and rich biodiversity. Throughout hismany visits, Chililliyo has explored nearbybeaches such as Playa Uvita (with the iconicwhale tail), Playa Arco, Playa Hermosa, and eventhe well-known Nauyaca Waterfalls.Comfort and Personalized ServiceChililliyo highlights the spaciousness of the placeand the individualized service El Tecal offers."The service is excellent; everything is verypersonalized," he enthuses. The hotel's rooms arevaried, but his favorites are those on the top floor,where the view and breeze combine with thecomfort of air conditioning, perfect for restingafter a day full of activities.He has visited the hotel many times for work andto relax in his free time. "Sometimes I come withfriends, other times with my wife and son," hesays. He confesses that he has even recordedsome comedy videos on the premises, as thepeaceful atmosphere inspires him to create.A warm stay at Hotel El TecalAuthor: Isabel Marquez
Fun for Everyone and Spaces to ShareOne of the big draws for him and his family is thepool area. “It’s very comfortable,” he says,adding that the equipped rooms allow them toprepare their meals. Chililliyo reveals that one ofhis favorite activities is grilling. At the Hotel ElTecal, they have cooked ribs, steak, and chickenon the grill several times, using charcoal andfirewood, which adds a special touch to theexperience.He also recommends the hotel restaurant. It offersa wide variety of dishes, and he notes that youcan order anything to try something new. Thistype of flexibility is a big plus for him.Activities for All AgesChililliyo has not only been a guest but also anentertainer for several events that have takenplace at Hotel El Tecal. He tells us that the hotelhas hosted numerous public and private activities,including comedy shows, music, bingo, and evenshows with clowns and singers. "It's a familyatmosphere where adults and children have fun,"he says. He also points out that the hotelorganizes traditional Costa Rican activities, suchas yo-yo and marbles games, bringing visitorscloser to the local culture.A Typical Day at El TecalWhen asked about a typical day at the hotel,Chililliyo describes a relaxed but activity-packeditinerary: “We arrive, freshen up, and have adrink at the bar. Then we walk to the parkentrance and swim at the sea.” Afterward, thegroup usually relaxes in their rooms, enjoys thepool, and chats about work. In the evening, theyget ready to dine at the restaurant and participatein one of the hotel’s nightly activities, such as livemusic.A Place to Create Memories"It's perfect for hanging out with friends and evenrehearsing for shows at night," he adds. He tellsus that they always take the opportunity toexplore the surroundings, discovering somethingnew on each visit.Finally, he reveals that he first came to the hotel tofilm a promotional film, and although the trip waslong, it was worth it. "What convinced me toreturn was the tranquility, the exceptional service,and the whales," he confesses.With this combination of nature, comfort, and afamily atmosphere, it's not hard to understandwhy Chililliyo has made El Tecal their go-to hotel.It's a place where guests can relax, have fun, andcreate unforgettable memories, surrounded by thenatural wonders of Uvita.COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
We live in a hyperconnected world, constantlysurrounded by notifications, messages, and digitalstimuli. Although technology has made many aspectsof our lives easier, this constant hyperstimulation hasserious adverse effects on our mental health and well-being.Psychiatrist Mariam Rojas Estapé points out thathyperconnectivity generates a state of constanthyperstimulation, directly affecting our ability toconcentrate. The brain, exposed to an incessant flowof information, cannot focus on a single task for longperiods. This dispersion of attention keeps us in astate of permanent alert, causing stress and anxiety,while we feel the pressure to respond quickly to eachnotification. This phenomenon also reduces ourability to reflect deeply, limiting critical thinking andthe generation of original ideas. In addition, it affectsour performance and encourages procrastinationsince easy access to online entertainment diverts ourattention from important tasks.Another significant effect is sleep disturbance.Prolonged exposure to blue light from screens affectsour ability to rest well, causing insomnia and chronicfatigue. Five tips to combat hyperconnectivity1. Set specific times for device use: Set aside timesof day when you use technology and times whenyou avoid it altogether. Limiting screen time helpsreduce unnecessary exposure and overstimulation.2. Practice digital disconnection: Include times todisconnect in your daily routine, whether during awalk, reading a book, or simply spending time withfriends and family without being on your devices.3. Set up notifications wisely: Mute unnecessarynotifications or set times when you don't receivemessages from apps or social media to avoidconstant interruptions.4. Incorporate mindfulness: Practicing mindfulnesshelps train your mind to focus on the present andimprove concentration. Meditation or simply payingfull attention to a task can be beneficial.5. Create a screen-free space before bed: Avoidusing devices at least an hour before bed, allowingthe brain to relax and prepare for a more restfulsleep.To mitigate the effects of hyperconnectivity, we mustestablish clear limits on the use of technology,create spaces to disconnect, and, if necessary, seekprofessional help if we feel that this phenomenon issignificantly affecting our well-being.In conclusion, like everything in excess, hyper-connectivity can be harmful. Although digital toolsand connectivity offer us many advantages, it isessential to maintain a balance. It is not aboutgiving up technology but ensuring it does not bringus more disadvantages than benefits. Suppose weestablish healthy limits and know how they affectour lives. In that case, we can enjoy the best thedigital age offers without compromising ourphysical and mental well-being.Hyperconnectivity: ADangerous Link for MentalHealthAuthor: Dr. Nikole Solano VargasCOSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
A Legal Guide to buying a home in Costa RicaCOSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96Purchasing property in Costa Rica with CPG LEGAL,a law firm in Costa Rica:Are you interested in purchasing real estate in CostaRica? Whether you're looking to buy land, a home,or a vacation property, navigating the legallandscape is crucial to ensuring a securetransaction. Experienced real estate attorneys inCosta Rica, lead our legal team at CPG LEGAL. Weassist foreigners and expats with buying property inCosta Rica.Can Foreigners Own Land in Costa Rica?Yes, foreigners can own property in Costa Rica, youdon´t have to be a resident. No legal restrictionsexist on foreigners owning property, meaning youcan freely buy, sell, and even mortgage yourproperty. Whether through direct ownership or via acorporation, you are fully protected under the law.The Property Purchase Process: Key Steps1.Property Identification and Folio RealThe first step is identifying the property you wish topurchase. The seller should provide the property’sunique identification number, the Folio Real. Thisnumber allows us to verify ownership, boundaries,size, and legal encumbrances through the PublicRegistry.2.Due DiligenceConducting thorough due diligence ensures no legalissues or encumbrances affect the property. Our realestate attorneys will investigate the title, ownershiphistory, property boundaries, and restrictions. Thisstep is crucial for protecting your investment.3.Property Transfer & NotarizationProperty transfers must be handled by aNotary Public in Costa Rica.We will draft thesales deed, also known as the "escriturapública." Once both parties sign the deed, it isregistered in the Public Registry.4.Taxes & Transfer FeesProperty transfers in Costa Rica incur taxestotaling around 2.5% of the property's saleprice. These include the 1.5% property transfertax. You should consult with us, inquire aboutour service fees. Our legal team can provide adetailed breakdown of these costs.5.Property RegistrationOnce the purchase is complete, we will ensurethe property is correctly registered under yourname at the Public Registry and provideownership certification for your records.Author: Dr. Christopher Pirie Gil CPG LEGAL.Dr. Christopher Pirie Gil.Law Firm in Costa Rica.También se habla español.Nous parlons parfaitement le françaiswww.pirielegal.com+506 8837-2631 cpirie@pirielegal.com
COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96Using Escrow Services for Your Real EstatePurchaseIf you're buying property from abroad or withouta local bank account, using an escrow service isa secure way to manage funds during thetransaction. The escrow agent holds thepurchase money until all legal processes arecompleted, releasing the funds to the seller. Wecan recommend trusted escrow services tofacilitate the process.Power of Attorney and Remote PurchasesIf you cannot be in Costa Rica for the propertyclosing, you can grant a power of attorney tosomeone to act on your behalf. This documentmust be notarized at a Costa Rican consulate orby a notary public in Costa Rica. You can alsoconstitute a corporation, our legal team canguide you through this process and ensure yourinterests are fully protected.Additional Considerations When BuyingProperty in Costa Rica•Real Estate Agents: Many buyers work withreal estate agents to find properties. Ensure youragent is reputable by checking their credentialswith the National Association of Realtors orsimilar organizations.•Option to Purchase Agreements: Beforecommitting to buy, you may sign an option topurchase agreement, which locks in the right tobuy the property while due diligence iscompleted. We recommend having any suchagreement reviewed first.•Corporations: Foreign buyers may purchaseproperty through a corporation in Costa Rica.We can help you set up a legal entity to own theproperty, which can offer flexibility andadditional protections.Why Choose Us?With over two decades of experience in realestate law in Costa Rica, we offer a completelegal service—from property identification anddue diligence to the final closing andregistration. Our team ensures your transactionis smooth, transparent, and legally binding.Contact us at CPG LEGAL today to inquire howwe can assist you in securing your propertyinvestment in Costa Rica. We are fully fluent inperfect American English, so you will have nocommunication barriers.
COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96The word “biodiversity” is a recent addition toour language having first appeared in theMerriam-Webster dictionary in 1985. Theword takes on a special meaning whenreferring to the Costa Ballena, because this isone of the few places in the world where thebiodiversity is actually increasing. It is aprivilege to live here and watch it happen.Biodiversity is never as evident as when aphalanx of army ants fans out and advancesthrough the forest consuming every bit ofanimal protein it encounters.Multitudes of insects, amphibians, reptiles,and mammals flee for their lives. Predators lurkon the outskirts of the deadly mass hoping tograb a spiny rat or a lizard in its panickedflight. Multiple species of birds, each with itsown specialty and each at a different level offorest eat every tiny creature that vacates itsnook or crevice and runs for its life. Bats flyfrom hollows in fear of the painful stings of theminiscule carnivores.The rainforest never appears so alive and full ofmovement as when the army ants are on thehunt. The hunted hurry through leaf litter, oversticks and rotting wood, around masses offungus, skirting puddles of water full of tadpoles,up trunk and branches, following vines andlianas, putting as much distance as possiblebetween themselves and their pursuers. Buteventually the army passes and the forest returnsto a relative state of calmness.In reality the rainforest is never calm. That ismerely our perception of it. We are only awareof a small part of everything that is actuallyhappening. Living creatures are busy below theearth’s surface, in the center of hollow trees, highin the canopy, under the leaf litter, and in all of amultitude of hideaways beyond the reach of oursenses. And what are all of these creaturesdoing? They are looking for food. Life is oneconstant pursuit of sustenance and sooner or laterevery living being on this planet will be eaten byother living beings and assimilated back into thebiosphere. Life goes on.Biodiversity in Costa BallenaAuthor: Jack Ewing
Costa Rica promises a lot: fascinating wildlife,an adventurous rainforest, and the catching PuraVida lifestyle. But it also promises one of thebest-tasting coffees in the world. For breakfast,at work, or for an afternoon get-together, coffeeis the number one comfort drink.Most people have their awakening drink withouteven knowing what other kind of deliciouscoffee there is.Fortunately, “Cafe Don Emilio” ensures we tastethe best organic coffee.And it is obvious that the family business thathas existed for many years now really managesto make you enjoy your daily coffee even more.High up in Uvita’s mountains, you will findextensive coffee plantations with thousands ofcoffee plants. The place that Dainor, Emilio’sson, calls his office. Throughout the whole year,from the growing season until the harvestseason, this is where the magic happens.During a coffee tour, Dainor shows everythingyou need about coffee cultivation andprocessing methods.Harvesting everything by hand allows you to notonly taste the better quality but also see it. Welearned that brown but transparent coffee is asign of high-quality coffee.But before we saw the end result, Dainorshowed us every step necessary to achieve sucha good end product.Beginning with the harvest during the beginningof the dry season, it is essential to work preciselybut effectively. Spending many hours in thecoffee fields,Dainor and his team fill multiple buckets of redcoffee beans daily.Red, unprocessed coffee cherries undergo a longprocess until they become liquid in our coffeecups.Then, the time begins when the harvest is dried.We were led into large canopies to see thedried beans and get an impression of theirappearance. Exposed to a high temperature, thebeans take their time to dry so that the processcan continue. After a year of patience, the timehas come.From then on, peeling, shelling, and selectingwere the order of the day. We even got to bepart of it. Sitting in his workshop with all thosemachines, some of which are handmade, was agreat experience. We were not only led throughthe fields but also allowed to do some parts ofthe process on our own. Including tamping andrefilling coffee beans, we realized that it doesnot only take a lot of time but also a lot ofphysical exertion.COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96Coffee in Costa Rica: an experience for all the sensesAuthor: Soraya Damer
That made me realize how much work is actually behind it and how little I appreciatemy daily coffee. And that has definitely changed now.After ending the tour with a well-deserved coffee, we all went home with many newimpressions and knowledge.Now, when I enter Uvitas farmers market on Wednesdays and Saturdays, I am mostlylooking forward to walking past Dainor‘s coffee stand and having a little chat whileenjoying a coffee together.He sells his coffee in different varieties and strengths, so there is something for everycoffee lover.Cafe Don Emilio not only sells coffee but offers an authentic experience thatstrengthens the appreciation for the craftsmanship behind every cup. The dedicationand care with which Dainor and his team accompany every step of coffee productioncan be tasted in every sip.For everyone who visits Uvita, taking such a coffee tour is a must to discover the drinkin its purest form.In Costa Rica, coffee is more than just a drink- it expresses culture, tradition, andpassion.COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
"Our goal is that in five years, our community,both locals and visitors, will know theimportance and beauty of these reef systems.We want to provide the knowledge and toolsnecessary for everyone to help protect thisextraordinary place," says the Costa RicaCoral Restoration (CRCR) team.In the Marino Ballena National Park waters, apioneering project is changing the course ofmarine conservation in Costa Rica: Costa RicaCoral Restoration (CRCR). Founded in 2019,this educational and research organization isdedicated to protecting, restoring, and studyingthe coral reefs of the tropical eastern Pacific.This task has never been undertaken before inthis area. Its primary mission is to educate andensure that these underwater jewels survive forfuture generations.Why are coral reefs important?Although coral reefs represent only1% of the ocean floor, they are homeor resting, feeding, and breedinggrounds for almost 25% of all marinespecies. They are essential formaintaining marine biodiversity, andtheir loss would have catastrophicconsequences for ecosystems andhumanity. "We are talking aboutspecies extinction and the collapse ofmarine biodiversity," says CRCR. Inaddition, the decline in fishpopulations would affect other marinespecies and have a global impact.A unique ecosystem in the worldThe Marino Ballena National Parkand nearby Caño Island are vitalmigratory areas for an impressivediversity of species, from whales anddolphins to sharks, sea turtles, andpelagic fish. Protecting these reefsmeans protecting a web of life thatdepends on them. In addition, thehealth of these ecosystems is closelylinked to local economies. In CostaRica, ocean-based tourism, such aswhale watching, diving, and sportfishing, is an essential source ofincome, both at the coastal level andfor the country.Debunking Myths About CoralsOne of the most commonmisconceptions is that corals are just“pretty rocks.” In reality, corals arecolonial animals that form aragoniteskeletons and live in symbiosis withalgae, which helps them producenutrients. This perfect balance isessential for the survival of reefs.Saving the MarineEcosystems of theSouth PacificAuthor: Isabel Marquez
CRCR strongly focuses on communityeducation. They work closely with localschools, community groups, and evenIndigenous peoples, offering hands-onexperiences in their lab, where the communitycan see and learn about marine animals theywould never have known otherwise.Challenges and Opportunities: The Impact ofClimate ChangeClimate change has directly impacted coralreefs, with coral bleaching being one of themost devastating consequences. However,extreme weather events such as El Niño haveforced CRCR to pause some restoration effortsto avoid losses due to high watertemperatures. During these periods, theorganization has shifted its focus to laboratoryresearch, leading to significant advances in itsmethods and educational programs.Technology has been a crucial ally for CRCR.Thanks to water parameter control systems,lighting, and testing innovations, they canrecreate ocean conditions in their laboratoryand test how corals respond to differentenvironmental scenarios. This allows them todevelop new strategies for coral restorationand adaptation to climate change.Volunteering and Public SupportCosta Rica Coral Restoration's work reliesheavily on volunteer support and donations.Volunteers can learn everything from basiccoral biology to genetics and reproductivebehavior and participate in all facets of theproject. Additionally, CRCR is developingcollaborative programs with local businesses,hotels, and tour operators so that someproceeds go toward conservation.Long-term plansLooking to the future, CRCR plans to expandits restoration capacity, not only through coralfragmentation but also through sexualreproduction and genetic storage. In addition,they seek to strengthen ties with the communityso that the community itself drives and sustainsconservation efforts in the long term.The biggest challenge remains funding, butwith new grant opportunities and communitypartnerships, CRCR is determined to continueits mission of educating, restoring, andprotecting Costa Rica's coral reefs.Thank you for your support; we trulyappreciate it.DONATE
www.artesanocr.netperformanceconstruction &high-end guaranteesince 2009jose@artesanocr.netUvita office (506) 8840 5711Next to BM supermarket TAMARINDODOMINICALESCAZU ..A R T E S A N Oarchitect & developer
COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96THE CHEF CORNERTHE CHEF CORNERTHE CHEF CORNERTHE CHEF CORNERTHE CHEF CORNERIngredientsFor the base:200 g of digestive or Maria biscuits100 g of melted butter2 tablespoons of sugarFor the filling:400 g of cream cheese200 g of sugar3 eggs200 ml of heavy cream200 ml of passion fruit pulp (you can use fresh or canned)1 teaspoon of vanilla extract1 tablespoon of flour (optional, for greater consistency)For the topping:200 ml of passion fruit pulp50 g of sugar (adjust to taste)1 teaspoon of cornstarch (optional, to thicken)InstructionsMake the crust:Crush the cookies until they are a fine powder.1.Mix the crushed cookies with the melted butter and sugar.2.Press this mixture into the bottom of a springform pan to form the crust. Refrigerate while you prepare the filling.3.Make the filling:Preheat the oven to 160°C (320°F).1.In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese and sugar until smooth.2.Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.3.Stir in the heavy cream, passion fruit pulp, vanilla, and flour (if using).4.Stir until all ingredients are well combined.5.Bake:Pour the cheese mixture over the cookie crust.1.Bake for 50-60 minutes, or until the center is almost set (it will jiggle a bit when shaken).2.Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake in the oven with the door ajar for 1 hour. This will help prevent it fromcracking.3.Prepare the topping:In a small saucepan, mix the passion fruit pulp with the sugar and heat over medium heat.4.If you want a thicker topping, dissolve the cornstarch in a little water and add it to the mixture, cooking until it thickens.5.Let it cool.6.Assembly:Once the cheesecake is completely cool, pour the passion fruit topping over the top.1.Refrigerate for at least 4 hours (preferably overnight) before serving.2.Enjoy your passion fruit cheesecake!The history of cheesecake dates back to ancient Greece, where an early version of the dessert is believed to have beenprepared. Here's a rundown of its evolution:Ancient Origins / Ancient Greece: Cheesecake is said to have been served to athletes during the first Olympic Games in776 BC. This version consisted of a mixture of cheese, honey, and flour, which was baked in a stone oven.Rome / Expansion to Rome: The Romans adopted the recipe and adapted it, adding ingredients such as eggs and morehoney. The Romans also developed preservation techniques, which helped popularize the dessert.Middle Ages / Medieval Europe: During the Middle Ages, cheesecake spread throughout Europe. Each region beganmaking its own version, using different types of cheeses and sweeteners.United States / Immigration and Adaptation: European immigrants brought their recipes to America. In the 19th century,cheesecake began to become popular in the United States, especially in New York, where the recipe with cream cheesewas perfected, creating the famous "New York cheesecake."Modern Varieties / Diversification: Today, there are many variations of cheesecake around the world, from the classic NewYork cheesecake to versions with fruits, chocolate, and exotic flavors such as passion fruit.Conclusion:Cheesecake has come a long way from its humble origins in ancient Greece to becoming a dessert loved around theworld, with a rich history that reflects the evolution of gastronomy over the centuries.
La Junta DominicalRestaurantIn Front of the Soccer Field,Puntarenas Province, Dominical- Tel: 2787 0046The LOCAL Joint serving 100%natural single source Grass-Fed beefand ethically pasture raised Chickenand Pork, offering a tropical fusionmenu of food and drinks for the bodyand soulTHE PRIVATE CHEFExplore our diversemenu, offering a world-class dining experiencefor every occasion. Uvita de Osa, Puntarenas tel: +506 8468 7788 600 mtrs East of the BCRBanck Uvita , Osa Puntarenas.Tel:8934-7092Whale Tail Brewery& Gastro Pub Gastro Pub, Craft beerplus a superiorgastronomic offerVista Ballena HotelJardines del Morete, Uvita deOsa, Puntarenas, Costa RicaTelephone: +506 2743 8150+ 506 6061 7883USA/Canada: +1-855-847-2441Excellent food, Pool,Breakfast, Lunch, Dinnerand Cocktail BarMi Amore RistoranteLa PalapaThe first international gourmetcuisine 100% Gluten Free inCosta Rica with breakfasts,lunches, snacks, cocktails and aexquisite menu for dinners.9 Km south of the PlayaDominical Puntarenas,Tel: +506 27874343WHERE TO EATEast from BCR bank, 200 meters,Provincia de Puntarenas, Uvitatel: +(506) 8566 2929We are a bakery wherewe do things withpassion and love, withthe best ingredients andthe healthie
Ballena BistroFresh FusionDishes and GlutenFree Options6km South of Uvita nextto Ballena Beach Tel: 2786 5407House of GingerChinese American food,prepared instantly to yourorder, vegan and vegetarianoptionsfrente Uvita Storages,Costanera Sur 32, Uvitatel: 2743 8182Mestizo RestaurantMain road to the, BahíaBallena Park, PuntarenasProvince, Uvitatel: 2234 6749The best option in fusionand traditional foodLunch, Dinner and cocktailsWHERE TO EATThe DomeRestaurant Seafood, Casados PastasFresh Tuna Lunch, reserve for Dinner Across from Bridgestone TireCostanera South, Uvita de Osa, 60504tel: +(506) 2237 5764La ColoniaSeafood specialitiesBreakfast, Lunchand Dinner Event HallHotel El Tecal, Playa Colonia, UvitaTel:2102 0082 Whatsapp: 8711-4341French CaféFrench Savoir FaireBreakfast / Lunch /Diner OpenEverydayPlaza Bahia Moana CalleBallena Bahia 200m Westof Coastal Highway Tel: 2201 8253
WHERE TO EAT VILLA LEONOR atPLAYA BALLENASeafood, Casados PastasFresh Tuna Lunch, reserve for DinnerBetween Uvita & Ojochal Km170 Tel: 2786 5380 Whatsapp: 8390 0130Wednesday closedOcean View andSunsetInternational with AustrianTouch Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner and CocktailbarPlease Reserve for DinnerKM 169 Hotel CristalBallena Tel: 2786 5367 Whatsapp: 8390 6863Pancito CaféFrench Bakery andRestaurantBreakfast and LunchVegan andVegetarian optionsNew Location at PlazaVentanas Tel: 8729 4115
OJOCHALOjochal is a charming coastal town that offerstravelers a delightful mix of natural wonders,culinary delights, and cultural richness. It's ahidden gem surrounded by lush rainforests andsecluded beaches. Getting there is easy. If you're coming fromUvita, it's just a short, scenic drive ofapproximately 15 kilometers to reach Ojochal.Local buses and shuttles also offer accessibleroutes from Dominical and Uvita to Ojochal.History and Cultural Heritage: Ojochal is a town with a fascinating historythat has been shaped by a diversity of cultures.Originally, it was inhabited by indigenouscommunities, and the name "Ojochal" isbelieved to have indigenous origins that reflectthe town's historical connections to the land.Another root of the name is said to be linked tothe Ojoche tree.The city’s historical fabric is deeply intertwinedwith indigenous and global legacies, andserves as a testament to its dedication topreserving its cultural heritage. Ojochal offersa more nuanced exploration of the past,showcasing the diverse cultural influences ofCosta Rica and the world. Ojochal is athriving international, intergenerationalcommunity. Today, It thrives with youngfamilies from all over the world: Norway,France, Germany, the US, Israel, and more.Culinary Treasures:Located on Costa Rica's Pacific coast, theunassuming town of Ojochal has earned thetitle of "Culinary Capital of Costa Rica." It isdistinct from its counterparts, Uvita andDominical, and beckons travelers on agastronomic odyssey that transcends theordinary.Ojochal's culinary scene is a vibrant mosaicwhere local and international flavors convergeto create a symphony for the senses. Gourmetestablishments line its streets, each being aculinary maestro crafting dishes that tell a storyof the town's cultural richness and commitmentto unparalleled dining experiences.Ojochal invites discerning palates to explore itsdiverse menu offerings, from cozy bistros to alfresco dining. Fresh, locally sourced ingredientsare the stars, elevating each dish to amasterpiece. Seafood, a coastal staple, takescenter stage, transforming the day's catch intodelectable creations that echo the rhythm of thenearby ocean waves.COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
What sets Ojochal apart is not just the qualityof its cuisine but the intimate setting in which itis savored. Visitors become culinary voyagers,embarking on a journey through flavors thatmirror the town's cultural diversity. Engagingwith local chefs reveals a passion for their craft,and every meal becomes an opportunity tosavor the town's unique identity.In Ojochal, dining is not merely a necessity butan art form. This immersive experience mirrorsthe town's commitment to offering a distinctiveand refined taste of Costa Rica's culinaryexcellence. Whether indulging in a seasidefeast or relishing the creations of renownedchefs, Ojochal's culinary tapestry paints aportrait of a town that invites travelers to savorlife's finer moments one bite at a time.Exploring Nature and Adventure:Ojochal is a remote town located near theocean and the rainforest. It attracts those whoseek a calm and intimate coastal haven. Thetown is surrounded by lush rainforests thatwelcome visitors to explore their verdantembrace. Hiking trails lead adventurers into theheart of nature, revealing the region's richbiodiversity. As sunlight filters through thedense canopy, the air fills with the scents oftropical flora, creating an enchantingatmosphere.Ojochal is a paradise for nature enthusiasts, asit is home to a diverse range of bird species.Scarlet macaws, toucans, and many other birdscan be spotted against the backdrop of thetropical landscape, making it a haven forbirdwatchers.The town's coastline is adorned with secludedbeaches, where visitors can relax and unwindwhile enjoying the rhythmic waves of thePacific Ocean. These pristine shores offerbreathtaking views of the ocean and a sense ofseclusion that allows one to connect with naturein its purest form.For those seeking adventure, Ojochal offersopportunities for zip-lining, canopy tours, andwildlife encounters. It is an oasis blendingadventure, nature, and cultural richness.Whether you're indulging in gourmet delights,exploring the rainforest, or spending relaxeddays at stunning beaches, Ojochal is waitingto be discovered.COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96
041425336.9km8.2 km
COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96The suitcase closed, and my friends saidgoodbye. I was nervous at the end, but it lookedlike proper preparation for my three monthsabroad in Costa Rica. It seemed unreal when Ithought about coming here in the past few weeks,but now that I am here, I could not be morepresent and settled. My first destination was San Jose. After a 15-hourflight from Berlin to Costa Rica's capital, I feltexcited, emotional, and exhausted. I spent mynight at a host family whose host dad got me tothe bus station the day after. I got to see a bit of San Jose, which wasoverwhelming and exciting at the same time. Myfirst thought was, "Costa Rica is so different fromGermany. "I remembered why I took this journey—getting to know new environments and cultures.The moment I hopped on the bus to Uvita, thejourney began— where I will spend my nextquarter year. The bus ride alone was alreadyfascinating. All the small Costa Rican villages andthe natural world were great to see. I got a first impression of the locals' lifestyle. It'sinteresting to me that people have such a differentway of living their lives, but we do have a lot ofbeautiful things in common, regardless. And bythat, I mean enjoying rice and beans every otherday, drinking fresh coconut water at the beach,and worshiping Costa Rica's nature with all itsflora and fauna.As soon as I arrived in Uvita, I felt the sparkeveryone was talking about. I immediatelycaught the vibe when I saw surfboards leaningagainst wooden houses. When I heard Uvita'sbackground noises with all the wild animals, Iwas hopefully about to discover.Just a few minutes after I entered my newhome, some of my roommates came home witha fresh coconut they picked up from the beach.We opened and enjoyed it, and there it was:the first non-imported coconut I had ever tasted.All that excitement and those new impressionsmade me forget one major thing: I came toCosta Rica during the rainy season. I knewbeforehand that it was probably going to behumid and sultry. But as someone who hasnever been to a tropical country, it was achallenge to get used to it and not shower afterevery movement I did. And now, due to high humidity, I am usingevery little sunbeam to dry my damp clothes.Without complaining too much, I had a greatstart in Costa Rica. The people I met werewelcoming and friendly, so I feel socomfortable here. That said, I am even morelooking forward to realizing my internship atBallena Tales magazine to expand my horizonsand witness everything ahead of me.Getting used to paradiseAuthor: Soraya Damer
WHALES & DOLPHINSPrice per person: $65, special prices for groups and residentsGroup: minimum 01 - maximum 18Start time: 8:30 AM - Duration: 3 hoursPrice includes: secure parking, bilingual guide, fruit, water,snorkeling equipment, park entrance and lots of fun.Description: Departs from Punta Uvita, Marino Ballena NationalPark. Travel to Whale's Tail, Isla Ballena and the caves atVentanas Beach for snorkeling and sightseeing. Watch whales,dolphins, turtles and rays.KAYAKINGPrice per person: $75 - Group: minimum 02 - maximum 08Star hour: depends on the tide - Duration 3 hoursPrice includes: Walk through the Térraba mangroves, water andfruits. Description: The tour begins in Boca Coronado, touring themangroves of the Térraba River, where different species of floraand fauna typical of that ecosystem are sighted, and ends at themouth of the Térraba River. same river.CORCOVADO NATIONAL PARKPrice per person: $145 Group: minimum 01, maximum 08Start time: 07:00 AM - Duration: Full dayPrice includes: park entrance, lunch and snacks, water and softdrinks; pick up available for an additional charge.Description: The tour departs from the town of Sierpe. Duringthe trip you can observe the wildlife of the mangroves andswamps of the Sierpe River delta. At the San Predillo Station ofCorcovado Park, the guide takes you on a walk through thejungle and the river mouth to observe wildlife and plants.Snorkeling on request.ISLA DEL CAÑOPrice per person: $145 - Group: minimum 01 maximum 18Start time: 6:30 AM - Duration: Full dayPrice includes: entrance to the Biological Reserve, sandwiches,snacks, lunch, water, soft drinks, bilingual guide, sighting ofhumpback whales in season. Description: The tour departs fromthe town of Sierpe through the swamps and mangroves of theSierpe River delta. The boat will take you snorkeling on thefamous reef near Isla del Caño. Emerge into the wonderfulunderwater world!DIVINGPrice per person: $190 Group: minimum 02, maximum 06Start time: 07:00 AM - Duration: Full timePrice includes: lunch and snacks, water and soft drinks; pick upavailable for an additional charge.Description: Tour departs from Uvita or Sierpe exploring themangroves and swamps of the Sierpe River Delta. Two dives, twotanks on the world famous Caño Island reef - sharks, whales,tropical fish and more! All levels of classes available at variousprices. Packages available for multi-day dives or to get yourcertificationRAFTINGPrice per person: $95 - Group: minimum 04, maximum 09Start time: 6:30 am or 8:00 am - Duration: 5 to 9 hoursPrice includes: all necessary equipment, bilingual guide.Description: Choose your level and enjoy the trip! Savegre River:5 hours. Class 2 and 3, ideal for beginners. Swim in a waterfall,light lunch on the river. Then, another hour of rafting.Coto Brus River. 9 hours, Class 3 and 4, without children. 1 hourand a half of horseback riding, then lunch, followed by two morehours of rafting.ENJOY OSA
CANOPY ZIPLINEPrice per person from: $55 - Group: minimum 01, maximum 40Start time: 8:00 am, 11:00 am and 2:00 pm - Duration: 2 hoursPrice includes: all equipment, bilingual guide, transportationavailable with extra charge.Description: Put on your helmet and harness, and off you go!Start with a short tour through the rainforest, spotting birds andanimals. Then, climb onto the first platform for a jungle ride: 14stations send you through the treetops, across ravines and overmountains!HORSE RIDINGPrice per person: $58 - Group: minimum 02, maximum 08Start time: upon request - Duration: 3 hoursPrice includes: friendly tour guide, saddled horsesDescription: Go horseback riding through mountains, jungles orbeaches! Start early to spot birds, monkeys and other wildlife -stop at a remote waterfall for a swim or start late for a sunsetstroll on the beach!MANGROVES WILDLIFEPrice per person: $75 . special price for groups - Group: min. 02,max. 12 Start time: 15:00 - Duration: 3 hoursPrice includes: bilingual guide, fruit, water; pick up available foran additional charge.Description: Day trip on the Sierpe River or sunset cruise throughthe swamps and mangroves - watch the jungle around you comealive with the growing darkness! Enjoy from the comfort of acatamaran boat. A great ending to a perfect day!NIGHT WALKPrice per person: $55 - Group: minimum 02, maximum 08Start time: 17:00 - Duration: 3 hoursPrice includes: specialized bilingual guide, snack, water and juice;pick-up available for an additional charge.Description: Watch the sunset, then spot the creatures during anight walk in the jungle: nocturnal plants, spiders, frogs andsnakes! Your specialized guide will keep you safe and soundexploring the rainforest!NAUYACA WATERFALL NATURAL PARKPrice per person: $35. Transportation available for an extracharge. Group: minimum 01, maximum 20Start time: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm – Duration: according to yourpreference Price includes: Tram ride from reception to thenatural park and hiking trails, entrance, parking, bathrooms,showers, changing rooms, hiking trails through a primaryrainforest. Description: Enjoy the epic beauty of the; Costa Ricannatural wonder in a beautiful privately owned nature reservewith clean, modern facilities and paths that provide the bestaccess to the Nauyaca waterfall. Enjoy a swim in the beautifulnatural pool!SPORT FISHINGPrice: Half Day $575 – Full Day $950 - Group: minimum 02,maximum 06 Start Time: 7:00 AM - Duration: 4 - 7 hoursPrice includes: all necessary equipment, park entrance, water,snacks, fruits, drinks, lunch (full day option), bilingual guide.Description: The Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica is one of the mostexciting destinations in the world for fishing. After a short 45-minute trip, you will be ready to pursue a wide variety of coastalspecies. All boats can fish offshore or inshore due to ourgenerally calm sea conditions.ENJOY OSA
COSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96Discover the Power of Precision Medicine with TellmeGenat Bahia Ballena DoctorsAt Bahia Ballena Doctors, we are committed to providingour patients with the latest advancements in medicalcare. As part of this commitment, we are excited tointroduce a groundbreaking new service: TellmeGen, aprecision medicine study designed to offer personalizedhealthcare insights tailored specifically to your geneticprofile.What is TellmeGen?TellmeGen is a comprehensive genetic testing service thatanalyzes your DNA to provide a detailed report on yourhealth, wellness, and ancestry. This test delves into yourgenetic predispositions, uncovering valuable informationabout your potential risk for various health conditions,how your body might respond to different medications,and even insights into your traits and ancestry. It is noninvasive procedure, performed with a gentle cheek swab.Benefits of TellmeGenWellnessTellmeGen’s genetic tests can offer valuable insights intovarious aspects of a person’s wellness. For example, thetests can identify genetic predispositions to certainconditions, such as lactose intolerance or gluten sensitivity.This information can help individuals make informeddietary choices, leading to improved digestive health andoverall well-being. Additionally, the tests can revealpotential nutrient deficiencies, allowing people to tailortheir supplement intake for optimal health. Byunderstanding their genetic makeup, individuals can takeproactive steps to enhance their wellness and preventpotential health issues.How to Get StartedTo schedule your TellmeGen test or for more information,please contact us via WhatsApp at 8833-6431.At Bahia Ballena Doctors, we are dedicated toempowering our patients with knowledge andpersonalized care. Embrace the future of healthcare withTellmeGen and take control of your health journey today.The Power of GeneticsDr. Monica Alfaro.
The Sula brewsteri, commonly known as theblue-footed booby, is an iconic species ofmarine bird found along the Pacific coasts ofCosta Rica. This bird is recognized for itsstriking bright blue feet and distinctive behaviorduring the mating season.Habitat and DistributionThe blue-footed booby primarily inhabits islandsand coastal areas where it can find amplefood, such as fish and squid. In Costa Rica,colonies can be observed in places like CañoIsland and the Cocos Island National Park.These areas provide an ideal environment forbreeding and feeding.Physical CharacteristicsThe Sula brewsteri is easily identifiable by itsintensely blue feet, which are indicators ofhealth and vitality in males. They have astreamlined body, a sharp beak, andpredominantly white plumage with brown toneson the upper parts. These characteristics are notonly visually impressive but also play a crucialrole in their courtship behavior.Behavior and ReproductionDuring the mating season, males performelaborate courtship rituals that include dancesand displays of their blue feet to attractfemales. The breeding season typically occursbetween May and October. Females lay one ortwo eggs, which are incubated by both parents.This shared parental care is essential for thesurvival of the chicks.ConservationDespite its beauty and uniqueness, the Sulabrewsteri faces threats such as habitat loss,overfishing, and climate change. Conservingtheir natural habitats and protecting marineareas are essential for ensuring the survival ofthis species. In Costa Rica, various conservationinitiatives are underway to protect not only theblue-footed booby but also other marineecosystems.The Sula brewsteri is a symbol of Costa Rica'srich biodiversity and a reminder of theimportance of conserving our natural resources.Observing these birds in their natural habitat isan unforgettable experience and a testament tothe value of nature that we must protect.Report on New Bird in Costa RicaCOSTA RICA FREE MAGAZINE #96