Antonia Burghart
Carlos Guadamuz
Heather Lynn
Jan Benavent
Japhet Jones
Jennifer Estevez
Julia Heinelt
Kattia Retana
Kevin Champagne
Monica Alfaro
Natalia Solano
Yuditza Mendoza
Dear audience, dear collaborators and advertisers
With each new edition we publish, our joy of being able to stay in touch with
you grows,
In this digital magazine, you will find a varied reading about good news: the
construction of the Dewachen World Peace Sanctuary in the South Pacific of
Costa Rica, this April 2024, the "Law to combat plastic pollution and protect
the environment, health, and ecosystems," in June 2024 at El Mercado de
Bahía a brilliant celebration of Oceans Day will be held, as always you can
find more valuable content on well-being and health.
The Dewachen Sanctuary in Costa Rica is a peaceful meditation project that
provides silent retreat training and knowledge with the help of Tibetan
teachers. In this edition, we celebrate the law to reduce the use of single-use
plastic. On June 8, we will be present at El Mercado de Bahía to celebrate
Oceans Day.
As we watch the adverse effects of climate change grow, our green paradise
looks like an island on this planet. The theme of Oceans Day is "The science
we need for the ocean." We want to recognize the valuable effort made by
the coral restoration project in Bahía, Uvita.
The rainy season has begun, and the jungle is filled with green hope. Many
of our readers know that this medium's editorial line is also positive green.
We celebrate spreading positive news. In this edition, you can read the
article from the SOMOS Foundation communal initiative.
If you visit us these days, enjoy our jungle peace, the multicultural
gastronomic offer, and the multiple adventure options, and take advantage of
the offers that hotels and restaurants are currently offering.
As usual, remember that minimizing one's environmental footprint is very
important for the conservation of our paradise in the South Pacific of Costa
The Editorial Team
Wellness by the sea __________________________________________________ 24
Osa Bee Guardians ___________________________________________________ 26
Aprisco la Hortencia _________________________________________________ 29
Unwind Together: Elevate Your Connection with a Couples
Massage at Sunset Body Works _____________________________________ 32
Celebratión of Ocean Day at El Mercado de Bahia Ballena_____ 34
My dream Job _________________________________________________________ 38
Magic Hands: Your destination for quality reductive massages
__________________________________________________________________________ 40
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage _____________________________ 42
The Chef Corney _______________________________________________________ 44
Authentic CACAO Pura Muba _______________________________________ 46
Where to Eat __________________________________________________________ 48
Somos, you community Fundation __________________________________ 50
Phone directory__________________________________________________________06
Palmex____________________________________________________________________ 08
Journey School of Costa Rica at Costa Ballena_______________________16
A Lama´s Journey in Latin America___________________________________18
Guide to Healthy Living in Costa Rica______________________________56
Health and Wellness in Costa Ballena _____________________________58
Mangrove Wildlife Discover ___________________________________________ 60
Tide Charts
Police Emergency................911
Hospital Tomás Casas (Cortés)...........2786-8148
Hopital Escalante Padilla
(Pérez Zeledón).....................................2785-0700
Servicios Médicos
Bahía-Ballena....................................... 2743-8595
Farmacia Ibarra....................................2743-8558
Centro Medico Vargas ........................8750-9118
Bahia Ballena Doctors.........................8833-6431
International Operator....1116
Electric Failures.................1119
Erick .....................................8602-3394
Guiligan ................................8847-0231
Ricardo (minibús 4x4).........8605-0801
Alex (freight)..........................8989-2298
Geovanny (Minibús)............8870-6040
Greivin ..................................8791-5680
Lusbín ...................................8576-7606
Henrry (Bilingual).................8543-9436
Rodolfo (freight) ...................5711-6868
Veterinaria Costa Ballena..................8730-8282
Environmental Complaints.........................1192
(Uvita Aqueduct failures).................. 8736-7004
Victor Umaña Dinarte........................8774-2213
Beesto Express ( Geiler).....................8544-7493
47 Express (Alex Madrigal)................8820-6937
Andrey Rivera......................................6039-0243
Gas Express ( Esteban)........................8421-3333
All links are clickable.Try it out!!
The Journey School's expansion directly responds to its
success and the community's embrace of its
educational model. With campuses now in San Mateo
and the eagerly anticipated new campus located at
Costa Ballena, the school's reach and impact continue
to grow. This latest expansion, driven by franchise
owners who are business leaders, entrepreneurs,
developers, and parents passionate about the Journey
model, brings this innovative approach to education
to the Costa Ballena community.
The new Costa Ballena campus, located about
halfway between Dominical and Uvita, is poised to
open its doors to students in grades 1-12 on August
19th, 2024, with plans to welcome preschool and
kindergarten students soon after that. Designed to be
state-of-the-art in its physical structure and
educational philosophy, the campus will feature a
multi-purpose gym, gardens, play spaces, and
sizeable classrooms, all within walking distance of the
In addition to a comprehensive sport and after-school
program, the school offers robotics and tutoring in
English, Spanish, and Math, ensuring a well-rounded
education for every student.
In line with the Journey School's ethos of inclusivity
and community engagement, the Journey School of
Costa Ballena will exhibit a profound commitment to
serving local students through comprehensive
scholarship programs, welcoming 30 percent of its
student population through scholarship funds,
ensuring that quality education is attainable for a
diverse array of students.
As the Journey School of Costa Rica continues to
expand, it remains committed to its founding
principles: to provide an education that is not only
academically rigorous but also deeply rooted in
social-emotional learning, bilingual education, and
the pursuit of each student's passions. With its
innovative approach and dedication to community
and student well-being, the Journey School of Costa
Rica is shaping the future of education, one student at
a time.
Journey School of
Costa Rica at Costa
A Beacon of Innovation in Education
Recognizing a pressing need within the community
for an educational paradigm that went beyond the
traditional, the Journey School of Costa Rica was
founded in 2016. Its mission was clear from the
start: to anchor education in social-emotional
learning while promoting bilingualism and a
curriculum driven by passion and excitement. With
an uncompromising spirit of joy and adventure,
Journey School seeks to approach the education of
its students by embedding this mission at the core of
its curriculum.
The Journey School's approach to education is
innovative and inclusive, offering a Reggio
Emilia-inspired preschool program that seamlessly
transitions into a project-based learning framework
from kindergarten through grade 12. This unique
blend ensures that students acquire academic
excellence and develop the critical emotional and
social skills necessary for success in today's world.
The school's flagship campus in Tamarindo is a
testament to its success and commitment to quality
education. Accredited by MEP in Costa Rica, Cognia
in the United States, and the International
Baccalaureate (IB) program internationally, it reflects
the school's dedication to maintaining the highest
educational standards.
The Journey School emphasizes personalized
learning environments where social-emotional
learning, bilingual education, and project-based
learning thrive. The concept of restorative justice,
guided by conscious discipline for younger students
and more formalized restorative practices for older
ones, underscores the school's holistic approach to
student development.
In the deep blue ocean where the continental
shelf meets the abyss, a tiny but significant player
in our planet's ecological story thrives: the Red
Sardine. This small lanternfish plays a crucial role
in the marine food chain and in reducing the
impact of climate change through a remarkable
process that takes place under the water's
surface. The offshore Osa Spot, situated in the
nutrient-rich waters of Costa Rica, is the only
place in the world where the Red Sardine can
consistently be seen swimming at the ocean's
Marine biologists and ecologists are fascinated
by the nightly migration of lanternfish, including
the Red Sardine, from the depths to the ocean's
surface. This migration is an essential ecological
process because it helps the lanternfish feed on
carbon-rich plankton, which plays a significant
role in the ocean's carbon cycle.
As the night falls, the Red Sardine swims upwards
to feast on plankton that has absorbed
atmospheric carbon dioxide through
photosynthesis. The carbon gets locked within the
bodies of plankton, and as the lanternfish
consume it, the carbon is transferred to them. At
dawn, the Red Sardine returns to the depths,
completing the cycle by excreting the consumed
carbon, which sinks to the ocean floor.
This simple process is vital for sequestering
carbon, which helps to mitigate the greenhouse
effect responsible for global warming.
The deep-sea carbon sink plays a crucial role in
keeping the balance of Earth's ecosystem by
preventing the increasing release of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere. However, human
activities, particularly the rise of plastic pollution
in oceans, pose a severe threat to this delicate
balance. Plastics endanger this ecosystem in two
ways: they are consumed by plankton, which
reduces their ability to absorb carbon, and they
also pose a risk to species like the Red Sardine,
disrupting this essential ecological process.
Marine conservation efforts are crucial in the fight
against climate change, particularly to protect the
Red Sardines and their habitat. Ensuring our
oceans remain free of plastic is essential to
safeguard the various species that call the ocean
their home. It also preserves the ocean's ability to
function as a carbon sink, which helps plankton
to absorb more carbon. This carbon is then
effectively sequestered on the ocean floor by the
Red Sardine. In summary, the story of the Red
Sardine emphasizes the interconnectedness of
marine life and the global climate system. It
emphasizes the urgent need for marine
conservation as a cornerstone of a
climate-friendly and carbon-neutral future.
Protecting this lanternfish and their nocturnal
journeys is not only an act of environmental
stewardship but also a critical step toward
ensuring the health of our planet for generations
to come.
Red Sardine: The Ocean
Author: Antonia Burghart
Based in the South Zone and operating since 2007, Techos Tropicales Palmex is the exclusive
distributor of Palmex synthetic leaves in Costa Rica. With a crew of only 8 persons and being
located in a remote village, it has proudly served many of the most famous eco lodges of the country
(Tabacon Thermal Resort, Luna Lodge Turismo Sostenible, Lapa Rios Lodge, for example),
government institutions like the INA (Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje), historic and cultural sites
(Guayabo, Museo de Oro, Museo de los Ninos) and hundreds of beautiful hotels, restaurants and
houses. The key to that success? Lots of dedication, an excellent team and a fantastic product.
Made in Canada and installed on roofs in over 50 countries on 5 continents, Palmex produces a
very realistic-looking, eco-responsible, low maintenance and long-term thatch solution that respects
the beauty of traditional palm leaf roofing. Its leaves are free of any toxic substances, designed
according to ISO 9001-2008 norms, and they undergo a special anti-UV treatment, which translates
into great energy savings on air-conditioning and ventilation. Palmex product's lifespan is estimated
at 50 years or more. Nonetheless, should the circumstances require it, Palmex leaves can be
dismantled and reused. They are totally recyclable. Even if, for the question of duration and
warranty, they are not made only of recycled plastics, they are, as a polypropylene material, a
recycling product of the residues generated by the transformation of raw petroleum into fuel. This is
why it has been granted the most important international and national certifications in eco-building,
such as Intertek, CSTB, ISO 9001, Bodycote, etc.
PALMEX products have been meticulously designed to provide a permanent solution to the
problematic issue of the massive over-harvesting of natural resources throughout the planet for the
purpose of building exotic roofing. They help minimize the adverse effects of economic growth and
tourism development on the natural environment, making them a responsible choice for any project.
Since 2006 in Costa Rica
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Techos Tropicales Palmex
Tel. (506) 2786 5126
Ecolodges, boutique hotels, spas, yoga centers, restaurants,
condominiums, national institutions and hundreds of private properties.
Some of our clients: Arenas del Mar Sustainable Luxury Hotels and Lodges, Laparios Ecolodge &
Wildlife Reserve, Costa Paraiso Hotel, Luna Lodge Certificación Turismo Sostenible, Museo de Los
Niños, Tabacon Grand Spa Luxury Hotel, Centro Neotropico, Boutique Hotel Hacienda La Isla,
Monumento Nacional Guayabo, Hotel Copa del Árbol, Hotel Capitán Suizo, Hotel Canciones del Mar,
Centro Campero Los Reyes, Hacienda Pinilla Beach Club, Hotel Giardino Tropicale Turismo
Sostenible, Namuwoki Lodge, Hotel Bahia del Sol, Hotel Diquis, Restaurante Exotica, Hotel Suerre,
Hotel Fantasia del Pacifico, Hill Park Condominios, Los Sueños Marbella Condominios, Terrazas de
Marbella, Ca de Paris, Lodge Las Nubes Natural Energy, Esquina Rainforest Lodge, Instituto
Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA), Lagarta Lodge Biological Reserve, Rafiki Lodge and many more,
plus hundreds of private clients.
Making beautiful and long-lasting
roofs all over Costa Rica since 2007
100% recyclable heavy-duty roofing material with a 20-years
decreasing warranty. Certified LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental building Design).
Esquinas Rainforest Lodge (Piedras Blancas)
Nestled along the rugged Pacific coastline of Costa Rica,
the laid-back town of Dominical is an irresistible
destination for travelers seeking a perfect blend of surf,
sun, and serenity. Tucked away between the lush
rainforests of Marino Ballena National Park and the
rolling waves of the Pacific Ocean, Dominical is a coastal
haven that captures the essence of Pura Vida living.
Getting There:
Reaching Dominical is an adventure in itself. The town is
approximately three hours from Costa Rica's capital, San
Jose. Travelers can opt for a scenic route along the Pacific
Coast Highway, providing breathtaking views of dense
jungles and glimpses of wildlife. Alternatively, local
airlines offer domestic flights to the nearby Quepos La
Managua Airport, followed by a picturesque drive
Buses and shuttles from major cities like San Jose and
Quepos are available for the more adventurous souls.
These options provide a cost-effective means of
transportation and an opportunity to soak in the stunning
Language and Hospitality:
Dominical is known for its warm hospitality, which is one
of its main attractions. Although Spanish is the official
language, many locals are proficient in English, which
makes it easy for international visitors to communicate
with the community. However, it is always appreciated
when visitors try to speak a few basic phrases in Spanish
to connect with the locals.
The hospitality in Dominical is genuine and reflects the
Pura Vida lifestyle, which emphasizes a laid-back and
easygoing attitude. Whether you need recommendations
for the best surf spots, information about local cuisine, or
just want to start a conversation, the people of Dominical
are friendly and eager to share their love for their town.
Safety in Paradise:
Safety is of utmost importance to tourists, and Dominical
takes pride in being a welcoming and secure destination.
The town's small size contributes to a close-knit
community, fostering a sense of vigilance and support.
The local authorities are committed to ensuring the safety
of both residents and visitors.
The beaches, renowned for their pristine beauty, are
generally safe for swimming and sunbathing. However, it
is vital to be mindful of the strong currents, especially
during certain times of the year. Lifeguards are stationed
at popular surf spots, providing an additional layer of
As with any travel destination, it is advisable to take
basic precautions. Travelers should monitor their
belongings, be cautious, and follow local guidelines.
Dominical's friendly atmosphere extends to its
commitment to providing a secure environment for all
who come to experience its charms.
Exploring Nature and Culture:
Dominical offers a wide range of activities that cater to
diverse interests. The Marino Ballena National Park is just
a short drive away and is a haven for nature enthusiasts.
Hiking trails lead to breathtaking viewpoints, providing a
chance to marvel at the vastness of the Pacific and
witness the diverse flora and fauna inhabiting the
For an enchanting natural experience, visitors can
venture into the heart of the region to discover the awe-
inspiring Nauyaca Waterfalls. Surrounded by lush
tropical vegetation, these cascading falls create a serene
oasis where visitors can swim in crystal-clear pools
beneath the refreshing embrace of the water. The journey
to Nauyaca Waterfalls involves horseback riding through
verdant landscapes, providing a unique perspective on
the beauty of the region.
Local markets and cultural events in Dominical provide
opportunities to engage with the vibrant community. The
town's artisans showcase their craftsmanship, and the
friendly locals are always eager to share stories and
insights about their way of life.
Drupon Lama Dorje, a Buddhist Lama of the Drikung
Kagyu lineage, embarked on his spiritual journey from a
very young age in the remote Himalayan village of Limi.
After spending four years in solitary retreat, Lama Dorje
ventured to South America, dedicating over 14 years to
spreading Buddhist philosophy in Chile, and other parts
of South and Central America. In 2018, he was honored
with the title of Drupon (retreat master). With great
determination, he immersed himself in the Latin culture,
learning the local language, collaborating with
indigenous elders, organizing events and retreats,
writing a book on applying Buddhist principles to
modern challenges, and recording mantra music on
Spotify. Currently, he resides in Costa Rica, fulfilling his
lifelong aspiration of establishing Dewachen World
Peace Sanctuary, a meditation and retreat center, to pass
on the teachings that have profoundly impacted his own
The Story of Dewachen
Lama and his soon-to-be Co-Founder Carolina Putnam
came together in Costa Rica to share Dharma teachings
in the Pandemic during a time of need. During a casual
conversation with a friend, Lama mentioned his desire to
build a Dharma center in the area. Several months later,
she called with the news that she had found the perfect
Viewing the photos, Lama felt a deep conviction that
this was the place he was searching for. After a short
conversation, the landowner was moved by Lama’s
intention, with tears in her eyes, she generously
reduced the land price by a third. She gave them until
the end of 2021 to gather the funds for the land
During this time, Lama and Carolina continued their
travels, sharing the Dharma across the U.S., Mexico,
and Europe. Along their journey, two newfound
acquaintances learned about their vision to establish a
permaculture-focused Dharma center in Costa Rica.
One friend generously sold his motorcycle and the
other matched his donation, just in time, providing
them with enough resources to finalize the land
purchase mere hours before their deadline.
In January 2022, Lama and Carolina visited the
property for the first time before making the final
decision. To their surprise, they were warmly welcomed
by one of the neighbors, Joseph, whom they later
affectionately named “The Oracle.” Joseph handed
them the keys to his newly constructed house on the
adjacent property and shared his story. For years, he
had envisioned a “community of light” would come to
live here. Despite skepticism from loved ones, Joseph
felt compelled to build a house for the anticipated
spiritual leader and community, confident that they
would arrive.
Moved by Joseph’s story, Lama and Carolina felt they
had found the land they had been searching for. That
night, Lama had a vivid dream where the spirit of the
land urged him to bring his lineage to this sacred
place, and it was blessed by his two root gurus - His
Holiness Drikung Chetsang Rinpoche and His
Eminence Garchen Rinpoche. This dream served as
the final determining factor, leading Lama to name the
property Dewachen, the Tibetan word for “Pure Land”
of the Buddha of Infinite Light, Amitabha. From the
flourishing fruit trees and vibrant flowers to the natural
water sources and the majestic ancient mother tree
named the “Tara Tree,” this pure land flourishes with
life, wisdom, and blessings. Dewachen would indeed
become home to a compassionate community, just as
Joseph had foreseen.
In the subsequent months, a dedicated team settled in
to begin working with the land. The building
commenced with a humble hut, modest kitchen, small
food forest, and a few rented houses scattered across
the nearby lands. Presently, permaculture master
planning is underway to initiate the comprehensive
construction and realization of Lama’s dream. The
many acres of the property will expand into the
neighboring hills, adorned with stupas, temples,
meditation decks, gardens, and cabins for both short
and long-term retreats. Countless teachings, classes,
and retreats will attract individuals from near and far,
eager to delve into the depths of the Dharma.
Dewachen will become a beacon for inner peace and
happiness for all sentient beings that ripples out into
the world.
Author: Jennifer Estevez | lamadorje.net
Photography: Brad Dean | westviewstudio.com
Uvita is a captivating coastal town along the untouched
shores of Costa Rica's Pacific coast. It invites travelers to
experience the perfect fusion of nature, adventure, and
tranquility. With its lush rainforests and stunning beaches,
Uvita is a hidden gem that immerses oneself fully in Costa
Rica's lifestyle.
History and Cultural Heritage:
Uvita has a rich history that dates back to the pre-Columbian
era when indigenous communities inhabited the region. The
town's name, "Uvita," is derived from the Spanish word for
"little grape," reflecting the abundance of grape-like
formations in the local palm trees.
In recent decades, Uvita has transformed from a quaint
coastal settlement into a thriving destination. The town's
development has been mindful of preserving its natural
surroundings, resulting in a harmonious coexistence between
human habitation and the pristine environment.
Getting There:
Uvita is situated on the southwestern edge of Costa Rica,
which makes it easily accessible from different points in the
country. If you're coming from the capital, San Jose, you can
enjoy a scenic four-hour drive with picturesque landscapes on
the way to Uvita. Alternatively, you can take a flight to
Palmar Sur Airport with local airlines and then take a short
and scenic drive to Uvita.
For those who want a more immersive journey, buses and
shuttles are a cost-effective means of transportation. These
options offer an opportunity to witness the diverse beauty of
Costa Rica and set the tone for the natural wonders that await
you in Uvita.
Language and Hospitality:
Uvita is a welcoming town that embraces the Pura Vida spirit
and greets visitors with open arms. Although Spanish is the
official language, English is widely spoken, making it easy for
international travelers to communicate and navigate the town.
The warm hospitality of Uvita's residents is well-known and
creates an inviting atmosphere for travelers. It is encouraged
to engage with the local community, and knowing a few
basic Spanish phrases can enhance the experience. The
genuine friendliness of the people in Uvita adds an extra
layer to the overall atmosphere, leaving visitors with lasting
memories of a place where hospitality meets the splendor of
Safety in Paradise:
Safety is of utmost priority in Uvita and the town is committed
to providing a secure environment for both residents and
visitors. The close-knit community of the city fosters vigilance
and support, contributing to an overall sense of well-being.
The beaches in Uvita, including the famous Whale's Tail
sandbar, are generally safe for various water activities.
Lifeguards are stationed at popular spots to ensure an added
layer of security. It is advisable to take basic precautions, as
with any travel destination, but travelers can confidently
explore the town knowing that the local community prioritizes
Marino Ballena National Park:
The Marino Ballena National Park is the centerpiece of Uvita's
charm. It is a marine and terrestrial sanctuary that spans over
13,000 acres of protected land and ocean. The park is named
after the humpback whales that migrate through its waters,
providing visitors with a unique opportunity to witness these
majestic creatures.
One of the park's highlights is the famous Whale's Tail
sandbar, a natural formation resembling a whale's tail. During
low tide, visitors can walk along the sandbar and encounter
the diverse marine life that inhabits the park's waters.
In addition to this, the park's terrestrial areas feature hiking
trails that lead to panoramic viewpoints. This allows travelers
to appreciate the lush biodiversity of Uvita's rainforest. The
commitment to conservation within Marino Ballena National
Park underscores Uvita's dedication to preserving its natural
treasures for generations to come.
Exploring Nature and Culture:
Uvita is a coastal paradise that offers a perfect blend of
adventure, nature, and culture. The Marino Ballena National
Park, situated here, is a haven for snorkeling and diving
enthusiasts. You can also take Whale and Dolphin watching
tours or visit Caño Island.
To explore the rainforest, head to the heart of Uvita, where
you can discover hidden waterfalls and enjoy canopy tours.
The Uvita Waterfall is a beautiful, enchanting natural wonder
that offers a refreshing escape. You can swim in the
rejuvenating pools surrounded by lush greenery.
Uvita is also home to vibrant local markets that showcase
handmade crafts and traditional Costa Rican delicacies.
Engaging with locals will allow you to delve deeper into the
rich cultural tapestry of the area, where stories are shared and
connections are forged, adding depth to your overall
In summary, Uvita is a coastal sanctuary that promises a
memorable journey where you can enjoy the beauty of Costa
Rica every sunset, and the waves echo the rhythm of Pura Vida
RECHE RCHÉ is located on the C ostanera, just 4 kilometers South of Downtown
Ojochal, before the One Lane bridge in C oronado.
+ 506 2102 9069
Unique Furniture
& Home Décor
Stunning Art
What's the buzz about bees and their impact on
our overall health? It's a fascinating topic, and we're
excited to share our project, Pure Bee Love, with you.
Meet Carlos Guadamuz and Heather Lynn, your local
Bee Guardians. We consider ourselves as guardians of
bees because it's a meditative practice that requires
communicative teamwork, compassion, and conscious
Working with bees requires taking into account that
they are sensitive to smells, sounds, energetic
vibrations, and colors and moving carefully to avoid
disturbing them or getting stung. It's a serene discipline
that teaches us to value and protect these incredible
creatures. We hope to inspire and guide others to join
us on the path from awareness to action and advocacy.
Why are the bees supportive of our overall health? And
specifically gut health?
Bees are primary pollinators and part of the
biodiversity on which we all depend for our survival,
which makes them essential for the health of people
and our planet. They provide high-quality
food—Honey, royal jelly, pollen—and other medicinal
products such as beeswax and propolis.
As mentioned above, one embodies a more profound
sense of tranquility in this meditative practice of
caring for the bees. Their powerful "buzzing" sound
and vibration are recognized as nature's healing
frequencies worldwide. This amazing humm has
proven to reduce stress and cortisol levels, balance
our parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous
systems, and reduce fatigue, resulting in a healing
effect on our whole being.
Explicitly focusing on gut health, bees offer a variety
of powerful medicines that include:
Raw Honey: contains micro/macronutrients that
are a fuel source for energy, prebiotics that are
beneficial for gut health, and polyphenols that
maintain good bacteria and displace harmful
bacteria. While Honey may be be known as “liquid
gold,” it is just one of several magical medicines of
the bees.
Pollen: A quality source of fiber, specifically crude
fibers, bee pollen contains numerous bio-available
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making it
incredibly healthy! It aids in decreasing inflammation
and improving immunity, allergy sensitivities,
menopausal symptoms, and wound healing.
Osa Bee
Author: Carlos Guadamuz and
Heather Lynn
Propolis: A resin-like, waxy material the bees
create by mixing their saliva, sap, and beeswax. It
is one of my favorites and a must-have in all
medicine cabinets! We utilize and offer capsules,
tinctures, mouth/throat sprays, and salves, and we
have genuinely helped heal so many infections
and ailments. Propolis has several health benefits
for humans, including improved immunity,
lowered blood pressure, allergy treatment, and
cancer/tumor cell reduction to elimination. Bee
propolis benefits the gut microbiome and
community of trillions of bacteria and other
microbes in the digestive tract that play an
essential role in digestion and overall health.
Pura Bee Amor has learned to harness the power
of science, innovation, and bees to create wellness
products unlike any other brand. We offer an
Apitherapy product line -HeaLynn Essentials- that
is naturally sourced, safe, and effective wellness
products that use ingredients from the bee and our
environment to restore your body, mind, and spirit
to their healthiest state. We are dedicated to
offering healthy and natural products to our
consumers while educating the world about the
power of bees.
It has been and is such a magical
experience to learn from and co-create
with the bees. We would be honored to
share our Pura Bee Amor with everyone,
whether it be connecting through our
rescue and relocation care services, social
channels, site workshops, tours, local
farmers markets, events, or providing bee
homes for you and yours!
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you
are interested in and/or have questions
about our Pure Bee Love well-being
products, services, workshops, and tours.
Unwind Together: Elevate Your Connection with a
Couples Massage at Sunset Body Works
Indulging in a couples massage is a delightful way to enhance your relationship and create lasting memories. At
Sunset Body Works, we invite you to experience the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation alongside your partner.
Immerse yourselves in a world of tranquility as skilled therapists pamper you with soothing techniques that leave
you both feeling refreshed, energized and rejuvenated.
Tailored Treatments for Couples
Our expert
therapists at Sunset Body Works specialize in tailoring massages to suit your unique needs and
preferences. Choose from Swedish or deep tissue massages, each aimed at providing a personalized treatment
for each partner. The synchronized movements, relaxing music, aromatherapy, warm towels and air conditioned
rooms aim to create the perfect atmosphere for deep relaxation.
Strengthening Bonds Through Relaxation
A couples massage is more than just a luxurious spa treatment; it's an opportunity to strengthen the emotional
connection between you and your partner. Shared experiences, such as those found at Sunset Body Works,
create lasting memories that deepen your bond and provide a refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of
daily life.
Booking Your Couples Massage Experience
Ready to
embark on a journey of relaxation and connection? Booking a couples massage at Sunset Body Works
is simple. Visit our online booking app Fresha on the link provided below or send us a What’s app message to
inquire about availability and customize your experience.
Sunset Body Works
+(506) 8905 4021
World Oceans Day is celebrated annually on
June 8 to raise awareness about the importance of
the oceans and the need to protect them.
This proposition was first approved at the Earth
Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and officially
recognized by the United Nations in 2008.
World Oceans Day is an opportunity to reflect on our
impact on the oceans and take action to preserve
them. We can all contribute by adopting sustainable
habits, reducing single-use plastics, supporting
marine conservation initiatives, and promoting
environmental education.
Protecting the oceans and preserving their biodiversity
is crucial for the human race's survival. Oceans cover
around 70% of the Earth's surface and produce about
50% of the oxygen we breathe. They are also a vital
source of protein for millions of people, regulate the
climate, and are an essential component for life on
our planet.
Each year, World Oceans Day has a specific theme
highlighting an essential aspect of marine
conservation. In 2024, the theme is "Ocean Planet:
The Currents Are Changing," calling for collective
action to protect the oceans and their resources.
Government organizations, NGOs, educational
institutions, and local communities organize
various events, beach clean-up campaigns,
conferences, and educational activities to
commemorate this day and raise awareness about
the importance of the oceans.
On Saturday, June 8, from 3 pm to 7 pm, at El
Mercado de Bahía, local and national
organizations that work for marine conservation
and environmental and social responsibility in Osa
will hold the Ocean Day Festival for the third
consecutive year to foster awareness and love for
the ocean and thereby promote the active
participation of the community in its conservation.
Come with your family, friends, and neighbors; this
activity suits all ages.
The Ocean Day Festival has become a significant
tradition in the community, and this year, in its third
edition, the organizers hope to make it even more
impactful and memorable. To strengthen this
objective, they are requesting the support of
sponsoring companies committed to social and
environmental responsibility participating.
Celebration of Ocean Day
t El Mercado de Bahía
Author: Natalia Solano, Carlos Leon
For the Bahía Ballena Market, it is an honor to
collaborate with the headquarters of such a
beautiful festival and to be part of the organizations
that prepare this non-profit event where the
community can socialize while strengthening
knowledge and environmental awareness.
The organizers hope the community and
companies will support this occasion. If you have
any questions or want more details on how your
company can participate, please do not hesitate to
contact them.
The Ballena Tales Magazine editorial team invites
you to enjoy a singular and unmatched joy,
reconnect with the biodiversity we are part of, and
empathize with the need to preserve it. The
satisfaction generated by caring for the natural
wonders surrounding us will improve the
experience of living on this fragile planet and help
us appreciate more clearly the majesty that shelters
The sponsor's companies' participation will
contribute to the event's success and strengthen
marine conservation initiatives. It will also benefit
them in terms of visibility and recognition.
This collaboration allows the organizers to include
more activities offered in the event free of charge to
all attendees. These include children's activities, live
music presentations, and theatrical performances
that will complement the festival experience.
By becoming a sponsor, the company will
demonstrate its support for marine conservation
and communal well-being and receive recognition
as an official sponsor. Likewise, the organizers will
recognize the sponsoring brands on the event day
when their supported activities are announced. In
addition, they will have the opportunity to have a
physical presence at the festival through a stand
and the display of their logo on banners or other
graphic materials.
reductive massages
Reductive massages have become increasingly
popular among people who want to reduce their
measurements and improve their body's appearance.
This massage method targets specific body areas
where fat tends to accumulate, such as the abdomen,
thighs, hips, and arms. By using intense and precise
movements, reductive massages aim to break down
fat deposits and promote their elimination, which can
result in a more toned and slimmer silhouette.
One of the primary benefits of reductive massages is
their ability to enhance blood and lymphatic
circulation. These massages stimulate blood flow,
which helps to transport oxygen and nutrients to the
cells, promote the elimination of toxins, and reduce
fluid retention. This not only contributes to the loss of
inches in problem areas, but it can also improve skin
texture and firmness.
Reductive massages provide not only physical benefits
but also emotional and psychological advantages.
After receiving these messages, many people have
reported an improvement in their physical
appearance, self-esteem, and self-confidence.
Therapeutic touch and personalized attention during
the session can help reduce stress and anxiety,
ultimately promoting overall well-being.
When it comes to reductive massages, it can be
challenging to find a reliable and professional place
that can provide a satisfying experience. However,
Magic Hands offers an oasis of tranquility and
excellence in the hectic world of reductive massages,
with a range of massage services that cater to each
client's individual needs.
Author: Yuritza Mendoza
At Magic Hands, we take pride in providing a holistic
approach to losing inches and improving physical
appearance. Our team of highly trained therapists
combines reductive massage techniques with deep
knowledge of anatomy and physiology to deliver
effective and long-lasting results. Every session is
tailored to the specific needs of our clients, with a
focus on problem areas such as the abdomen, thighs,
hips, and arms.
At Magic Hands, we pride ourselves on our attention
to detail and unwavering commitment to excellence.
Our serene and relaxing environment encourages
you to escape from the stresses of daily life and
indulge in a rejuvenating experience. Additionally, we
use high-quality products with reducing and firming
properties to enhance the effects of each session.
Our primary objective at Magic Hands is to assist you
in losing inches and improving your overall
well-being. We believe in the healing power of human
touch and strive to offer a customized service that
rejuvenates your body, mind, and spirit. Our
therapists are here to listen, advise, and support you
in improving yourself.
At Magic Hands, we offer various services to help you
relax, cut back, and pamper yourself. Our services
include reductive massages, relaxing massages,
lymphatic drainage, and spa treatments. We are
committed to providing you a professional approach,
personalized attention, and a welcoming
environment. Our reductive massages are designed
to help you achieve your wellness goals effectively
and pleasantly. Experience the transformative power
of our massages and discover how they can help you
lead a healthier and happier life.
Magic Hands Your destination for quality
The main characteristics of manual lymphatic
drainage massage refer to the unique features
that distinguish this massage technique from
other types of massages. It involves gentle,
rhythmic strokes that stimulate the lymphatic
system to eliminate toxins, excess fluids, and
waste products from the body. The massage is
typically performed by a skilled massage
therapist who uses specific hand motions and
pressure to encourage lymphatic flow. The
massage can help reduce swelling, improve
immune function, and promote overall
relaxation and well-being.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a
massage technique that requires in-depth
knowledge of the anatomy and pathology of
the Lymphatic System and its alterations.
The Lymphatic Drainage Massage is
completely “manual.” No machines are used.
To do Manual Lymphatic Drainage, it is
necessary first to activate its “terminus” in the
neck and the areas close to it. If this were not
done, the liquid or fat would return to its origin
as it could not flow into the blood, where it
would be eliminated.
Lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic technique
that has a wide range of applications and can
be used to treat various diseases and
disorders. One such condition is edema,
which is characterized by swelling caused by
an excess buildup of fluid in the body's tissues.
Edema can occur in any part of the body but
is most common in the legs and feet. It may be
caused by a number of factors, including
certain medications, pregnancy, congestive
heart failure, renal disease, venous
insufficiency, and surgeries such as
It acts at the level of lymphatic circulation,
which is responsible for collecting and
eliminating excess fluid, fats, and toxins from
the tissues. Activates and increases our
defense system.
If you have any questions or concerns, please
feel free to reach out to us. Our therapeutic
bodywork services go beyond just treating skin
and bones, providing a holistic approach to
healing and wellness.
Manual Lymphatic
Drainage Massage
Author: Licda. Japhet Jones
Campbell, Terapeuta Física
The history of Caesar Salad is as intriguing as its delicious taste.
This famous salad was created in the 1920s by Italian chef
César Cardini, who operated a restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico,
called "César's Place."
Legend has it that in the summer of 1924, during a hectic
weekend at his restaurant, Cardini had to improvise a dish to
satisfy the customers. With the ingredients he had on hand in the
kitchen, he created a fresh and tasty salad that soon became a
hit among diners. The salad was so famous that Cardini began
serving it regularly at his restaurant and called it "Caesar
Salad," after himself.
The original Caesar Salad recipe included simple but flavorful
ingredients such as romaine lettuce, croutons, Parmesan cheese,
egg, garlic, olive oil, lemon, and Worcestershire sauce. Over
time, the recipe has evolved, and variations have been added,
such as anchovies or grilled chicken.
Caesar Salad quickly gained popularity, becoming a classic
dish of international cuisine. Today, it is served in restaurants
worldwide and remains a popular choice on many menus.
The story of the Caesar Salad is a fascinating example of how a
simple and delicious dish can emerge from the creativity and
improvisation of a talented chef.
Original Caesar Salad Recipe
The original Caesar salad recipe includes the following ingredients:
Fresh romaine lettuce
Toast or croutons
Raw eggs or quail
Grated Parmesan cheese
Extra virgin olive oil
Lemon juice or wine vinegar
Worcestershire sauce
chopped garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
Prepare the lettuce: Wash and dry the romaine lettuce leaves well. Coarsely chop them and place them in
a large bowl.
To make the croutons, cut the bread into small pieces and toss with olive oil, minced garlic and salt. Bake
until crisp and golden.
Prepare the dressing: Crush the anchovy fillets (if you decide to use them) together with the garlic cloves
in a mortar. Transfer this mixture to a bowl and add the egg, lemon juice and mustard. Mix well. Little by
little, without stopping beating, add the olive oil until you obtain a creamy consistency. Add salt and
pepper to taste.
Assemble the salad: Pour the dressing over the lettuce and toss well to coat all the leaves. Add the
croutons and sprinkle with plenty of grated Parmesan cheese.
Serve and enjoy: Serve Caesar salad on individual plates and offer additional Parmesan cheese so each
diner can add more if desired.
He who is looking for authentic quality cocoa
without artificial additives has found the perfect
place. The idea for Cacao Puro Muba Uvita
came from Mrs. Sylvia Beita. She is indigenous
of the Cabécar tribe of Ujarrás. As a child, she
learned from her grandmother how to get the
best out of cocoa. For five years now, she and
her husband Enrique have created artisan
products from cocoa beans.
The beans are pressed with a homemade
machine powered by a boat engine. With this
device, the liquid components are separated
from the hard ones. Sylvia’s brother, Don
Aquilino, extracts the oil from the dried beans
in a manual process. The liquid collects in a
bucket. It is left in the sun for three days. During
this time, the cocoa butter separates and settles
on the surface over the black cocoa paste. This
paste is used for the production of sweets and
Cacao butter is highly recommended for skin
care. It regenerates and nourishes it with
natural fats, and its vitamins and antioxidants
leave the skin looking healthy and clean. It is
delightful because it smells good, absorbs
quickly, and does not leave a fat layer. A good
option is also to add it to the water when you
take a hot bath.
Authors: Julia Heinelt & Jan Stahl Benavent
Many people don’t know how many benefits
pure cocoa has. It is perfect for the brain. Its
flavonoids play a neuroprotective role, as they
improve memory functions and learning
capacity. The substances epicatechin and
catechin have been shown to have beneficial
effects in the prevention of Alzheimer’s. It is
also very good at preventing and curing
diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, and
cardiovascular health. The recommended daily
consumption of cocoa is 7 to 20 grams.
You can eat the freshly roasted cocoa beans. A
very delicious invention of Enrique and Sylvia
are the caramelized and ginger cocoa beans.
Among so much variety, of course, they also
offer freshly ground cocoa powder. What a rich
Such an excellent and natural cocoa is only
available here!
Authentic CACAO Pura Muba
La Colonia
Seafood specialities
Breakfast, Lunch
and Dinner
Event Hall
Hotel El Tecal,
Playa Colonia, Uvita
Tel:2102 0082
Whatsapp: 8301 4822
600 mtrs East of the BCR
Banck Uvita , Osa Puntarenas.
Whale Tail Brewery
& Gastro Pub
Gastro Pub, Craft beer
plus a superior
gastronomic offer
French Café
French Savoir Faire
Breakfast / Lunch /
Diner Open
Plaza Bahia Moana Calle
Ballena Bahia 200m West
of Coastal Highway
Tel: 2201 8253
Jardines del Morete, Uvita de Osa,
Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Telephone: +506 2743 8150
+ 506 6061 7883
USA/Canada: +1-855-847-2441
Exelent food, Pool,
Breakfast, Lunch,Dinner
and Cocktailbar
Mi Amore Ristorante
La Palapa
The first international gourmet
cuisine 100% Gluten Free in
Costa Rica with breakfasts,
lunches, snacks, cocktails and a
exquisite menu for dinners.
9 Km south of the Playa
Dominical Puntarenas,
Tel: +506 27874343
La Junta Dominical
In Front of the Soccer Field,
Puntarenas Province, Dominical-
Tel: 2787 0046
The LOCAL Joint serving 100% natural
single source Grass-Fed beef and
ethically pasture raised Chicken and
Pork, offering a tropical fusion menu of
food and drinks for the body and soul
Ballena Bistro
Fresh Fusion
Dishes and Gluten
Free Options
6km South of Uvita next
to Ballena Beach
Tel: 2786 5407
Seafood, Casados Pastas
Fresh Tuna Lunch,
reserve for Dinner
Between Uvita & Ojochal Km
170 Tel: 2786 5380
Whatsapp: 8390 0130
Wednesday closed
Ocean View and
International with Austrian
Touch Breakfast,
Lunch,Dinner and Cocktailbar
Please Reserve for Dinner
KM 169 Hotel Cristal
Ballena Tel: 2786 5367
Whatsapp: 8390 6863
House of Ginger
Chinese American food,
prepared instantly to your
order, vegan and vegetarian
frente Uvita Storages,
Costanera Sur 32, Uvita
tel: 2743 8182
Mestizo Restaurant
Main road to the, Bahía
Ballena Park, Puntarenas
Province, Uvita
tel: 2234 6749
Pancito Café
French Bakery and
Breakfast and Lunch
Vegan and
Vegetarian options
New Location at Plaza
Ventanas Tel: 8729 4115
The best option in fusion
and traditional food
Lunch, Dinner and cocktails
Price per person : $ 5 - Group: minimum 01, maximum 40
Start time: 8:00 am, 11:00 am, and 2:00 pm - Duration: 2 hours
Price includes: all equipment, bilingual guide, transportation available for an
extra charge.
with a short tour of the rain forest, spotting birds and animals. Then, up to
tops, across ravines, and mountains!
Price per person: $5 - Group: minimum 02, maximum 08
Start time: upon request - Duration: 3 hours
Price includes: friendly tour guide, saddled horses
Description: Take horseback riding through the mountains, jungles, or
beaches! S tart early for birdwatching, monkeys, and other wildlife - stop
at a remote waterf all for a swim or star t late for a sunse t ride on the beach!
Price per person: $ . special price for groups - Group: min. 02, max. 12
Start time: 3:00PM - Duration: 3 hours
Price includes: a bilingual guide, fruit, water - pick up available for an extra
Description: Sierpe Riv er day trip or sunse t cruise thr ough the sw amps and
mangroves - watch the jungle around you come alive with the growing
perfect day!
Price per person: $55 - Group: minimum 02, maximum 08
Start time: 5:00 PM - Duration: 3 hours
Price includes: a specialized bilingual guide, snack, water, and juice - pick up
available for an extra charge.
thgin a gnirud serutaerc eht revocsid neht ,tesnus eht hctaW :noitpircseD
hike in the jungle: night plants, spiders, frogs, and snakes! Your specialized
guide will keep you safe and sound exploring the rain forest!
Price: Half Day $575 – Full Day $950 - Group: minimum 02, maximum 06
Start time: 7:00 AM - Duration: 4 - 7 hours
Price includes: all necessary equipment, park admittance fee, water, snacks,
fruit, beverages, lunch (full day option) bilingual guide.
either oshore or inshore because of our generally calm sea conditions.
Enjo y O S A
Price per person: $60. Group: minimum 2 maximum 12
Start time: 6:30AM Duration: 3 hours
Price includes: specialized guide, equipment and breakfast.
Guided tour along the trails of the nature reserve, with sightings
of different species of birds. Accompanied by the best experts on
the subject, ending with a good breakfast.
Price per person: $6 , special prices for groups and residents
Group: minimum 01 - maximum 18
Start time: 8:30 AM - Duration: 3 hours
Price includes: safe parking, bilingual guide, fruit, water, snorkel equipment,
park admission and a lot of fun.
Description: Leaves from Punta Uvita, Marino Ballena National Park. Travel to the
Whale’s Tail, Isla Ballena, and the caves at Ventanas Beach for snorkeling and
sightseeing. Wath whales, dolphins, turtles, and rays.
Price per person: $1 - Group: minimum 01, maximum 08
Start time: 07:00 AM - Duration: F ull Day
Price includes: park admission, lunch and snacks, water, and soft drinks - pick
up available for an extra charge.
Description: tour departs from Sierpe Village. During the trip you can observe
the wildlife of the mangroves and swamps of the Sierpe Riv er delta. At the
the jungle and river mouth to wath wildlife and plants. Snorkeling on request.
Price per person: $1 5 - Group: minimum 01 maximum 18
Start time: 6:30 AM - Duration: F ull Day
Price includes: Biological Reserve admission fee, sandwiches, snacks, lunch,
water, soft drinks , bilingual guide, humpback whale watching in season. De -
scription: Tour departs from the village of Sierpe thr ough the swamps and
mangroves of the Sierpe riv er delta. The boat will take you snorkeling on the
Price per person: $1 - Group: minimum 02, maximum 06
Start time: 07:00 AM - Duration: F ull Time
Price includes: lunch and snacks, water, and soft drinks - pick up available for
an extra charge.
Description: Tour departs from Uvita or Sierpe exploring the mangroves and
sw amps of the Sierpe riv er delta. Two dives , two tanks at the world-famous
classes av ailable at various prices. Packages av ailable for multi-day dives or
Price per person: $95 - Group: minimum 04, maximum 09
Start time: 6:30 am or 8:00 am - Duration: 5 to 9 hours
Price includes: all necessary equipment, bilingual guide.
Description: Pick your level and enjoy the ride! Savegre River: 5 hours. class 2
and 3, great for beginners. Swim at a waterfall, light lunch on the river. Then,
another hour of rafting.
lunch, followed by two more hours of rafting!
Enjo y O S A
Price per person:$75 - Group: minimun 02 - maximum 08
Star time: depends on the tide - Duration 3 hours
Price includes: Walk through the Terraba mangroves, water and fruits
Description: The tour begins in Boca Coronado, touring the mangroves of the
Terraba River, where different species of flora and fauna unique to that
ecosystem are sighted, and ends at the mouth of the same river.
Ojochal is a charming coastal town that offers travelers a
mix of natural wonders, culinary delights, and
cultural richness. It's a hidden gem surrounded by lush
rainforests and secluded beaches.
Getting there is easy. If you're coming from Uvita, it's just a
scenic drive of approximately 15 kilometers to reach
Ojochal. Local buses and shuttles also offer accessible routes
from Dominical and Uvita to Ojochal.
History and Cultural Heritage:
Ojochal is a town with a fascinating history that has been
shaped by a diversity of cultures. Originally, it was inhabited
by indigenous communities, and the name "Ojochal" is
believed to have indigenous origins that reflect the town's
historical connections to the land. Another root of the name is
said to be linked to the Ojoche tree.
The town's historical tapestry is deeply intertwined with both
and global legacies, serving as a testament to the
town's dedication to preserving its cultural heritage. Ojochal
provides a more nuanced exploration of the past, showcasing
the diverse cultural influences of Costa Rica and the world. This
is largely due to the immigration of French Canadians to the
Culinary Treasures:
Located on Costa Rica's Pacific coast, the unassuming town of
has earned the title of "Culinary Capital of Costa
Rica." It is distinct from its counterparts, Uvita and Dominical,
and beckons travelers on a gastronomic odyssey that
transcends the ordinary.
Ojochal's culinary scene is a vibrant mosaic where local and
international flavors converge to create a symphony for the
senses. Gourmet establishments line its streets, each being a
culinary maestro crafting dishes that tell a story of the town's
cultural richness and commitment to unparalleled dining
Ojochal invites discerning palates to explore its diverse menu
from cozy bistros to al fresco dining. Fresh, locally
sourced ingredients are the stars, elevating each dish to a
masterpiece. Seafood, a coastal staple, takes center stage,
transforming the day's catch into delectable creations that echo
the rhythm of the nearby ocean waves.
What sets Ojochal apart is not just the quality of its cuisine but
intimate setting in which it is savored. Visitors become
culinary voyagers, embarking on a journey through flavors that
mirror the town's cultural diversity. Engaging with local chefs
reveals a passion for their craft, and every meal becomes an
opportunity to savor the town's unique identity.
In Ojochal, dining is not merely a necessity but an art
This immersive experience mirrors the town's
commitment to offering a distinctive and refined taste of
Costa Rica's culinary excellence. Whether indulging in a
seaside feast or relishing the creations of renowned
chefs, Ojochal's culinary tapestry paints a portrait of a
town that invites travelers to savor life's finer moments
one bite at a time.
Exploring Nature and Adventure:
Ojochal is a remote town located near the ocean and the
It attracts those who seek a calm and intimate
coastal haven. The town is surrounded by lush rainforests
that welcome visitors to explore their verdant embrace.
Hiking trails lead adventurers into the heart of nature,
revealing the region's rich biodiversity. As sunlight filters
through the dense canopy, the air fills with the scents of
tropical flora, creating an enchanting atmosphere.
Ojochal is a paradise for nature enthusiasts, as it is home
a diverse range of bird species. Scarlet macaws,
toucans, and many other birds can be spotted against the
backdrop of the tropical landscape, making it a haven
for birdwatchers.
The town's coastline is adorned with secluded beaches,
visitors can relax and unwind while enjoying the
rhythmic waves of the Pacific Ocean. These pristine
shores offer breathtaking views of the ocean and a sense
of seclusion that allows one to connect with nature in its
purest form.
For those seeking adventure, Ojochal offers opportunities
zip-lining, canopy tours, and wildlife encounters. It is
an oasis blending adventure, nature, and cultural
richness. Whether you're indulging in gourmet delights,
exploring the rainforest, or spending relaxed days at
stunning beaches, Ojochal is waiting to be discovered.
I do care a lot about my health and my family’s
health. We must all feel our best to manifest our
best attitude and ability. Living in Costa Rica, I am
surrounded by people who naturally want to feel
better, too. We each have our ideas on how we
can feel like the best version of ourselves, but they
mostly revolve around the following precepts of
everyday life in Costa Rica:
Growing food
Costa Rica is a land where you can throw a
toothpick on the ground, and it will grow roots.
The warm climate and wet weather are very
forgiving for many local species of fruits, seeds,
and root veggies. Most who live here choose to
take advantage of this fertile land by planting a
few fruit trees, if not more. This equals less
shopping, fewer chemicals in your diet, and more
pleasure from interacting with what you eat.
There’s nothing like the freedom of stepping
outside to pick your meal from your yard.
Daily exercise
It’s natural to feel physically inspired by our
coastal mountain region’s dynamic landscapes in
the Southern Zone of Costa Rica. Electric-blue
Morpho butterflies abound along the lush and
shaded mountain trails we traverse on our
morning walks. Waves caress our wild and
pristine beaches, inviting surf lovers to play. Even
a casual stroll along the soft, golden sands of the
South Pacific can easily have you working up a
Everyday exercise allows us to enjoy this
remarkable landscape longer while feeling better.
Skipping the stress
Kicking back in a hammock with a great book is a
favorite way to relax in Costa Rica’s warm, sultry
weather. As soon as we begin to feel the pressure
building, we look outside, take a deep breath, and
appreciate the brightly colored flowers dotted
amidst a sea of green and the buzz of the jungle,
getting lost in wonder away from the cycle of
Raising children in Costa Rica in a simpler way
Costa Rica is a place for more green time and less
screen time. On top of a good education, children
need well-balanced social interaction and
real-world play for healthy development. Kids in
Costa Rica spend much time playing outdoors
while learning a new culture and language. Here,
in a more natural environment, they can engage
in plenty of non-tech activities within our
ever-evolving communities.
Guide to Healthy Living in
Costa Rica
Author: Kevin Champagne,
Osa Tropical Properties
Health can be understood as a state of
complete physical, mental, and social
wellness, not just as the lack of disease or
physical afflictions. Integral well-being is
that state that promotes the development
of the human being in all its dimensions:
physical, emotional, cognitive, and
spiritual. In other words, it is a state that
involves not only pleasurable experiences
at a particular time. It is related to the
reduction of emotional stress and at-risk
behaviors. It also includes a positive effect
of protection for family relations, couples,
peers, and even interactions at school or
work that, in turn, reflect in increased
Attaining well-being and health comes
easy to some, but it involves a conscious
effort to plan and perform daily activities
to obtain the desired results for others.
Living in an area like Bahía Ballena, with
easy access to beaches, healthy foods,
opportunities for exercise, outdoor
activities, and a sense of community,
promotes wellbeing and, in turn, can help
you keep your health in all its aspects.
Taking a walk on the beach or a hike
through the mountains, having coffee
with friends, or participating in many of
the different activities in the community
will help strengthen your bond with others
and help you feel relaxed, at ease, and
Another excellent option to promote your
health is the availability of many services
to actively work on any issues that have
affected your health in the past or that
you know you must work on to ensure you
will still be healthy in the future. This
involves prevention, like screening for
health issues, having checkups,
bloodwork, pap smears, colonoscopy,
and many other tests that can allow you
to avoid future concerns.
Health and Wellness in
Bahia Ballena
Author: Dr. Monica Alfaro
PAP smears
General Medicine
Minor surgical
Scheduled Plastic
Botulinum toxin
Dermal Fillers
Cheminal Peels
PRP (Platelet Rich
Skin checks
Skin Tightening
Laser Hair Removal
Appointments WA +(506) 8833 6431
Plaza Ventanas - Ojochal
Dr. Mónica Alfaro
Mangrove Wildlife Discover
Nestled in the heart of Costa Rica, amidst the lush
green canopy that stretches as far as the eye can
see, lies a hidden gem waiting to be discovered -
the Kokopelli Mangrove Tour in Sierpe. It's not just a
tour, but an invitation to immerse yourself in a
living, breathing storybook where nature weaves its
magic, and every river turn reveals a new chapter.
As soon as you step off the bus or park your car,
you'll find yourself just a few meters away from the
starting point of an unforgettable experience. The
Kokopelli Mangrove Tours team will be there,
waiting for you to embark on a 3-hour exploration
of one of Costa Rica's most incredible natural
habitats. With everything arranged for your
convenience, you'll board the boat, ready to glide
through the tranquil waters of the mangrove
The journey through the mangroves is slow and
peaceful, allowing ample time to take in the
surroundings. The mangrove ecosystem is both
calm and bustling with life, hosting a wide array of
wildlife. Each moment offers a new discovery, from
the statuesque iguanas basking in the sun to the
exuberant monkeys swinging through the trees. Not
to be missed are the stealthy crocodiles navigating
the waters below with an effortless grace.
What sets the Kokopelli Mangrove Tour apart are
the two expert guides accompanying you. Their
knowledge of the area's flora and fauna is
unparalleled, enabling them to point out even the
most hidden and elusive creatures. Their keen eyes
will amaze you as they spot wildlife from afar,
including the occasional owl perched quietly under
a bridge or bats fluttering in the shadows.
To ensure your comfort throughout this adventure,
refreshing water and juice are provided during the
boat ride. It's a thoughtful touch that enhances the
overall experience, allowing you to stay hydrated as
you soak in the sights and sounds of the mangrove
The Kokopelli Mangrove Tour is more than just a
wildlife excursion; it's a deep dive into the heart of
Costa Rica's natural beauty. It's an experience
designed for nature lovers, wildlife enthusiasts, and
anyone looking to connect with the earth
meaningfully. Whether you're marveling at the
parrots flying overhead, watching monkeys play in
the trees, or observing crocodiles in their natural
habitat, this tour offers a close-up look at the
vibrant life that thrives within the mangroves.
The Kokopelli Mangrove Tour is a must-do for
anyone visiting Costa Rica. It's an opportunity to
experience the country's renowned biodiversity up
close and personal, all while enjoying the peaceful
ambiance of the mangroves. Whether you're a
seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, this tour
promises an array of unforgettable sights and
sounds, making it a highlight of any trip to Costa
Author: Antonia Burghart